The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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You my moon light,
Lit my world ablaze.
Spoke truth into my soul.
Pushed me to realise my dreams.
To conquer, my lifes goals.

You my sweet,

The reason to my days.
The purpose to my smiles,
The shelter from hailing rain.
My human form, of many desires.

Where are you now?

You my medusa,
Froze me stone cold.
Unable to move,
Until I had to let you go.

Closure, I never had.

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Loveplatonic loveclosurelifeMindsetdisappearing

I'm Not Here

Conversations float like dandelion seeds
drifting on some tumble-weed breeze
the words are soft and out of focus
bouncing quietly off these walls

Invisible vibrations pass unnoticed
no effect, no eye turned, no ear piqued
was that my name, something I should recognise
or just another wave in the sea of endless ambience

I’m not here
I’m not here at all

I’m back at that table
our le...

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