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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #43 {My Sleeping ? Angel Lily}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #43} {My Sleeping ? Angel Lily} 








as her





to hold










home so





for air

and then

she was

gone and

now my




gonna be

the s...

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diary of the southern queenworldly inspirationoutside inspirationwordy queenTina Gloversadnesssad poemssad poetrylifelivinglovedeathdeath of a childwriting to writewriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short storiespoempoetrystoriesOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #42 {Dear Brother}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #42} {Dear Brother} 




Dear Brother,


Yet another

holiday season

is upon us

`n` it still

seems like

the very 

first one

without you

by my side to

open up gift's

`n` then go

outside to

make a snowman

in the white 

wintery snowy 

weather`n` then

come back in

out of the cold

weather to warm


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deathdeath of a older brotherdiary of the southern queenlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysad poemssad poetrysadnessTina Gloverwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short storieswriting to write

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #19 {Living Death Traps}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #19} {Living Death Traps} 




Well for many year's

now I have a

reoccurring vision, nightmare, illusion

that has me living

out a hellish living

death trap that haunt's

me ? night after

when I am able to




but most night's while

I am asleep I start

to have these dreams

or vision's that seems

so l...

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diary of the southern queendreamslifelivingliving death trapnightmaresOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetryreoccurring dreamsreoccurring vision'ssadnessstoriesTina Glovervision'swordy queenworldly inspirationwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short storieswriting to write

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #4 {No More Love Here}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #4} {No More Love Here} 




No more love here 

No more time for

you here 

No more loyalty

here for you

No more of my

valuable time for


No more hearing

my say I love you


No more of me

holding you tight

all night because

that's now long

gone `n` so


No more of me

having to listen


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Coping With Madness press releasediary of the southern queenemotional painhurtlifelovemadnessOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpainquotesadnessTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspiration

Once Was His Queen

{Once Was His Queen} 



I was once your queen

You was once my king 

​​​​​​but now I am nothing not even a friend to you 

and now I cannot stand that you are still alive and breathing 

and you have moved on like I never was your queen or even your lover 

and I try to move on but I'm always hoping for us to make our ways back to each other but I know that will never happen ...

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poempoetrylifeold lovespainful poetrylove poemlove poetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Gloverpainful poemlivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Drape The Flag Over My Casket

{Drape The Flag Over My Casket} 



As I lost the war that I was facing but please deliver this message to my family and loved one's back in the states 


I am sorry that I couldn't make out of this nightmare but I'll always be flying with you only from heaven above now but I do miss you and love you all and please don't cry because this military woman is finally at peace and they ...

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army poemarmy poetrydeathlifemilitary poemmilitary poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnesssleeping soldier poemsleeping soldier poetryTina Glover

Time To Move On

{Time To Move On} 



It's time to move

on from everyone 

and everything in

my life 



It has been fun,

crazy, hurtful,

desirable, painful,

filled with more

? heart break

than I am willing

to keep suffering

with you or anyone

else on this planet 


But it was a

pleasure now

it's time to go


{missing in action} 




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hurtlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainssad poemsad poetrysadnesstime to move on poemstime to move on poetryTina Gloverwritingwriting stories





One day at a

time that

will ease my

weary troubled




And just maybe

it will ease all

my wonders

away one day 



And it's supposed

to get easier but

it will in all due

time but it still

remains the

same that you

are not here

with us 



And all the

crazy facial


you made


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lifelivingmissing someoneOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Glovertroubled mindswriting

I Will Not Let You Beat Me Down

{I Will Not Let You Beat Me Down} 



Darling I won't

let you beat me

down and it's

high time that

this cowgirl 

picks herself back

up off of the

ground and get

to moving on

down the long

lonesome road as

I kick the hell

out them blues

you have got me

going through

and now it's time

to forget all 

about you 





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country girl's poemcountry girl's poetryfictionheartshurtlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoemsad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Gloverwriting

No Guarantees

{No Guarantees}




There's no guarantees

that you actually ever

loved me at all


There's no guarantees

that you was even

worth my tears over

these year's 

And I'm not gonna cry

and I sure as hell ain't

gonna shed no more

tears for you since

you left me to be with

her and tore my world

apart while breaking and


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One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysadnesspainheartachesad poetrysad poemlifelivinglovingmad as hellTina Gloverwritingfictionwriting poetry

My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily

{My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily}



My forever sleeping angel daughter Lily as her eyes became to heavy to hold open any longer because she heard Jesus calling her home so she cried out one last time and took one big gasp of air into her tiny lungs and then she was gone and now me or her daddy's life isn't never gonna be the same because we don't have beautiful our little Lily...

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Death of a childheartachehurtlifemissing someoneOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Glover

She's Trying

{She's Trying}


She's trying to forget: 

She's trying truly to

force herself to

forget about the


between them


She's trying so hard

to forget his voice 

She's trying to forget

how he made her laugh

even though she felt like

she's was dying on

the inside 

She's trying to forget

all the beautiful


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she's tryingshe's gonepoempoetrysadnesssad poemsad poetryTina GloverStoriesflash fictionfictionwritingthinking out loudthinkingthoughtspainhurtOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverlifelivingheart felt poemheart felt poetry

The Awaited Love Of A Lifetime

{The Awaited Love Of A Lifetime}



This shy girl awaited

for the love of her

lifetime to come a

long into her lonely

life that made this 

delicate ? rose

stays so closed off

to the outside world

around her and even

more so to men

because the way she

has been hurt before

so she closed the 

doors for finding her 

love of a lifetime and

she me...

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fictionflash fictionhurtlifelivinglovelove of a lifetimeOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessstoriesTina Glover

She Misses Him Badly

{She Misses Him Badly}



They shared something

so beautiful and something

so deep and true but that

was so truthful lustful love

affair ended to soon because

he didn't believe her so she

went on her way no matter

how much she cared or loved

him and so much she wanted

to stay but she knew that

they would only hurt each

other in the end and they

did bec...

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poempoetrystorieshurtpainTina Gloverwritingthinking out loudthoughtsthinkingsad poemsad poetryloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloversadness

She's Shy

{She's Shy} 



She's always been shy 

She's always

been tossed away

because of her


She's always

been hiding from

the surrounding

world around her

because of shyness 

She's always been

unseen, unnoticed,

unheard of because

 of bad case of


She wishes that

her shyness would

disappear one day

so she will be adored


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shynesspoemstoriesthinkingTina Gloversadnesshurtfearrejectionthoughtspoetrylivinglifepainsfear of rejection

Conceit And Vanity Quote #1

{Conceit And Vanity Quote #1} 




was such

a stuck

up that




in a







©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written in August 3,2016 but posting here 12/05/2017 all rights reserved

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quoteconceit and vanity quotepoemthoughtsthinkinglifestuck peopleOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloversadnesspoetryTina Gloverwriting

He Was Gone With The Wind

{He Was Gone With The Wind}



He was gone with the wind 

but when left with the wind he wrecked my ? heart like a nuclear war head exploding killing everything good that once existed inside of me  

but now I'm sitting here in this pain that is driving me to drink one more shot to try to forget about the wind that blew through my loving arms 

that hasn't returned or never will a...

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heart broken poemheart broken poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Gloverwriting

I'm About To Lose My Mind

{I'm About To Lose My Mind} 



I'm about ready

to lose my cotton

picken mind  



because the same

pain each day when

I open my eyes

is about ready to

drive this

woman totally insane 



because the throbbing,

aching, blurred 

vision, sensitivity

to light and 

​​​​​​sounds along with

the headache on top

of a bad migraine headach...

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chiari 101chiari poemchiari poetrycure chiaricure mehealthhurtinglifeOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpainsadnesssicknessstoriesTina Glovertrying to livewriting

With This ? Rose

{With This ? Rose} 



I will keep it with me even after it withers and died 






I'll place into a book to hold our love that way until the very end of all times



Because with this ? rose is delicate to the touch so protect it with your love






Your love is forever real 






As the day's is lon...

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with this ? rosepoempoetrylivingdeathsad poemsad poetryTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverlove poemlove poetrywritingwriting poemswriting poetrystoriessadness

Bad Luck With Love

​​​​​​{Bad Luck With Love}



He was my love that cought my ? heart by the thing's he would say and show me but now he faded away like our love never meant anything to him 


But it did me for what it's worth now 


I miss the longing of his voice saying I love you


But now my bed is cold on one side as I lay alone tonight writing this hoping one day it might find it's...

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Broken heartsforgetting himlifelivingloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpast lovespoemspoetrysad poemssad poetrysadnessTina Glover

The Pain

{The Pain} 


There is pain in my? heart that always hurts so deep that it never departs from my aching? heart 



And it's the pain of us being apart 



A bad pain of our two heart's being so broken and torn apart 



That never makes it's final departure 





©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved

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getting byhurtlifelivinglove quoteslove quotes for himOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoemsquotessad poemssad poetrysadnessthinkingthoughtsTina Glovertorn apartwriting

What We Deserve

{What We Deserve}



You hurt me more than what I did deserve



Because I loved you more than what you deserved 



And one day soon someone will pay you back the same way you done me




Because that's what you will definitely deserve 




©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved 

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freelance writingOne_Pissed_Off_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverTina Gloverhurtfulhurtinglifelivingmean poemsmean poetrypoemspoetrysadnesswriting

Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart

{Sadness Has Stolen My ? Heart}




My ? heart is hurting so much beyond any word's I can ink down 



And the pain is tearing up my? heart and soul up 



And someone please tell me how I can retrieve it 



Because now the life filled with sadness of a lost love has forever stolen my? heart away 



And as I'm still trying to revive it today ...

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deep poemsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverTina Gloverpoemspoetrydeep poetryheart feltheart felt poemsheart felt poetrylifelovesad poemssad poetrysadnessthinkingthoughtswritingwriting poetry

Just Maybe

I try to be there by your side throughout the year’s but now the time has come for you to be by my side through this incurable illness I am dealing with but I’m left out in the cold waiting for you and maybe that will change before I’m dead



©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover Originally Writte...

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Poemspoetryquoteslifejust maybesadsadnessstoriessad poems

He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore

{He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore} 


As she walked through the front door of their home he stands up and looks her in the face and says to her I no longer love you anymore as she took off running to the bathroom upstairs while he ran after her but she slam's the door in his face and then locks it as he knocks on the door saying I'm so sorry darling but he hears her sobbing insi...

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deep poetrydeep poemfeeling'sthinkingwritingsadnesswriting poetrylovelove for himlove for herlove poemslove poetry

Tears In Her Eye's

{Tears In Her Eye's} 


The tears in eye troubled sad eyes that flowed down her trouble worrisome cheeks as he laid beside her fast asleep as she slowly laid her head down on the wet pillows that was underneath her head without him even hearing her cry so as she cried and wepted for him because even though he laid beside of her she felt like she was alone in their bed and like what did I do ...

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poempoetrysad poemssad poetrysadnessSilent Tearstearsthinkingthoughtswriting

Air Worthiness


Air Worthiness


The Harris hawk is sleek and fast; fine-boned,

she swoops free from an armoured glove

towards some distant, perfect perch,

only then to see and hear the falconer's call; to search,

then sweep down to the hand that feeds and nurtures.

A hooded hostage; in restless freedom she presents a bleeding dove.


Trimmed hawks hunt in packs on Argentine pampas...

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The Somewhere: Bricks and Cement

God Damnit.
Why can't you just look and see me?

I know you can. 
Kinda Sorta. 
You just don't stop.
You don't consider looking at cracks.

The old school walls are a burgundy color that no one finds interesting.

Maybe once in awhile.
For a brief second.

She was new in school, I think. 
Never saw her before until sophmore year.
Pretty outgoing....

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The SomewhereConnor LannesDepressionHighschoolSuicideSadness

Cheap Mascara

Did you ever try to accept me,

Instead of avoiding me?

Or drinking me away?

Because I tried everything,

Just to make you smile at me,

But I could never make you laugh,

But I smiled constantly -

Like a fool.

Caring for you.

Because sometimes I couldn’t sleep because I was too excited to be in love with you

But sleep to you was like a breath -

And I was always your p...

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And I want to be a better man to you mum.. .

But you just don't agree with the things I have done, while I don't agree with having

to be socially accepted I need to conform, but you don't understand. 


I live for myself in a flurried world.


Where being myself is such a crime and I can't imagine myself alive, at the thought of  cheating my own mind... 

It breaks me apart!


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A smile is life's most Wonderest Gift . It shows a Reaction never to be missed . It lights up a face . Showing a Beutiful sight . Producing an Ora . Saying all is alright  . Never stop Smiling .

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Sadnesscrueltyhope .

How does It feel?

How does it feel

when a dagger hovers over life,

when anarchy oppresses with brutality,

when dreams dissolve

and let no traces to contemplate?


How does it feel

when everything is swarmed by violence,

insensitivity; clear and humiliating absence of piety?


We are all instruments for an occasion;

others are escorted only by ambition


Oblivious to the world,


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What Color Do You Feel Like Today?


I feel like the color Blue. 


It seems like every day, 

I feel like the color Blue. 


You may ask, 

how do you know 

what Blue feels like? 


It's when you're sitting alone 

in the Blue room 

of your one bedroom apartment 

contemplating your whole existence. 


Blue is when 

you don’t feel good about yourself, 

when you don’t  

feel l...

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The Path

She saunters along the empty path,Blossom swoops to kiss her in the wind. It's gentle touch, a starlit lover, warms her hollow heart. She felt the breath of a thousand souls caress her once innocent skin, now gently wizened by the years gone by. Each step her troublesome bones feel the rough and rugged ground clawing at her steps to slow her further. The aches in her rickety joints pull her down. ...

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I seek

After hearing the voice of despotism,

the cries of the hungry looking in the trash for bread,

the bitter language of solitude,

I look in the blue sky for serenity;

I create a landscape and try to dream


I seek peace among the white fingers of the aurora


After not finding the line of understanding,

the root of the soul,

the wind of justice,

the submerged freedom,


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Sunny Days

I don't feel worthy of this earth.
It's a bright and happy day today. 
I feel a fraud amongst it all.
As kids and parents play. 
Sandcastles, colourful buckets and plastic spades, 
Happy laughter fills the air. 
Desperate darkness clouds it. 
There is no point, no joy, no end,
I am hollow and so void. 
I smile and wave and look the part,
Each photo frames the day. 
Behind the mask the c...

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With his hands stained with blood

Mr. Maduro, I am enveloped and driven by a superb energy and leave you a message, on behalf of millions of angry hearts, a simple message: We want you to go away!

All of this has been more than enough. We are tired of your evilness, your abuses, your cynicism, your humiliations and want you to know that we are all swathed with your "mistakes". We demand to return to the Venezuela that our paren...

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Water works


God's love is unconditional 
but he shut up the seas behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb
and set its doors and bars in place
when he said, " This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt. 

So I won't let you drown me
as your tears fill the dead living room
I proceed to leave. 
When I was younger I would stay
and try my hardest to row, row, 

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"I don't want revenge.

I just want to make you smile"


Sometimes the truth is, we are left alone.

There is no one to go to.

Just left on your own

inside the world that makes up the collision of your heart and mind.

Each day time passes, and still you could say to me: "Your heart is mine".


Folded down in sorrow. Tears that rain into my heart.

Never leaving my eyes, ...

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lovesecretsforever silentsadnessheart

I was young

I was young .. A simple statement that is the answer to many questions I am presented with 


Why did you get drunk, and throw up in the hall way? 

Why did you leave school, and truant all day? 

How did you get pregnant, at just seventeen? 

Why did you marry him, given what you had seen? 

Doesn't it feel silly, divorcing already? 

You're only 21, doesn't your life seem so craz...

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He left

He left 

He left behind his broken wife and his scared son

He left

He left us cold, all alone with no one 

He left


The vows, they meant nothing 

The promises, broken 

I just wish we meant something 

More than just empty words spoken 


I cried for days at a time 

My young son wiped every tear 

Leaving us was a crime 

And now, it's been 1 year 



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familybrokenheartachepainlovesadnessmemoriesmarriageaffairbetrayaldepressionlonlinessfearchangesonmotherfatherunconditional love

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