The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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insane (Remove filter)

Basket case

If someone tells you are insane,

And they are telling you there is something wrong with your brain,

It coul be true it could be lies,

If you are pschotic you can tell by your eyes,

If you have caused this by your own being,

Then when you look in the mirror a total basket case,

Is what you will be seeing,

You may have taken cocaine, you may have taken weed,

If you have then ...

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insaneliestruthbasket casedrugsFate


You asked me to change my mind about asking you to change.

We ran around in circles blind while everything’s the same

We victimized each other, the other always to blame

Over and over again

This love is poisinin

we will never change

We will always be the same


You took my love for granted as I begged for you to want me

We were not ourselves so it was hard for us to...

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Sane × Insane

Why do you expect so much good in other people

Why do you pray so much under every steeple

How can you be ok to be disappointed all the time

And hurt yourself with so much hope inside

You’ll never learn your lesson if you try to be blind

To The bad side of people you try to hide

And let them inside your heart again

Is it a crime to let them cause you so much pain

To the poi...

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bad daybad karmagood lifepoetrysad poemssad poetrySelfself reflectionself-destructionsaneinsane

Internet Insanity!

 I visited my cousins in Russia

One summer vacation day,

And my conclusions during my stay

Turned out to be more than I could say.


What happened?


Older cousin surfs on laptop

Younger did that and ipod games too

Sister sticks to ginormous ipad

I skim online webs in hullabaloo!


What’s happening?!


Day after day, hour after hour

We’re caught in the ...

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poeminternetinsaneboredsocial mediavirtual life

My little friend

I was drinking coffee and sitting on my chair

The dog opened his eyes and began to stare

Looking at me he says I am ready for a walk

Without moving his mouth I heard him talk


It is a nice day to run on the grass

Best get going before the sun is going to pass

He is jumping in circles by the door

I can see a pattern being pound into the floor


Charging out like he is...

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You deny the truth that you love.

You deny the truth that you’re insane. 

You deny the truth that you’re murdering your inner self.

You deny the truth that you want the unthinkable, 

cos you know you’re crazy

and you don’t mind.

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