War (Remove filter)
Each November we are reminded, watching poppies fall...
Each represents a life surrendered answering duty's call.
And later, in the weeks that follow, when snowflakes fill the sky,
The mind is filled with thoughts of those whose lives had soon passed by.
Each fleeting flake a forfeited future deprived of its true worth -
And like the poppies - sent to fall and fade back in the earth...
Saturday 1st November 2014 3:03 pm
Let Not The Ink Run Dry
Let Not The Ink Run Dry
I share because I care
And dare to say words
That some find ill at ease,
But one thing
I’ve found within
The realms of poetry,
We’re all as daring as each,
We all open our minds our
Hearts our soul and speak,
And yes,
I see we’re all hankering
For change,
I see many
Who care just as much
As me, and i...
Tuesday 30th September 2014 12:13 am
Alone the Kings stand,
Preparing for war again and again,
Their foe their equal pacifist state,
Humouring the torso without the will to speak,
So many haunted,
So many taunted,
So many a serf leaves behind
Morality and normalcy,
So many the people tire
Then tire some more,
The Kings are at will,
Their demons the paranoid
Of ...
Friday 26th September 2014 1:24 am
Flanders Field
Heroes of a nation, who would have knew
That they risked their lives for everyone, valiant and true. The darkness of the battlefield, will blind them all their lives
The images that they have seen shall remain upon their minds
Yet in this hour of war, they sheltered us with their ...
Tuesday 2nd September 2014 8:35 pm
Return of the Will
Will lurks somewhere
in all our indecision.
A will too weak to stir
our flesh to action.
A will enfeebled
by the trials of youth.
A will deformed
by dirty songs and dreary.
What will steel the will
this world has robbed us of?
We need a war
to steel the will again.
Friday 22nd August 2014 12:55 pm
It Is Nothing
But one single bullet, from barrel to throat,
Choked and opened the wounds of the world,
Unfurled in the seat of a phaeton,
Played on like the most tragic of tragedies,
Greek in essence but eastern in substance,
As Sophie wilts in the lap of Austria,
A single shot through the heart of a continent,
The blood racing fast to the carriage beneath,
Signals the start of relentless war lines,
Monday 28th July 2014 11:51 pm
An Angel Bathes In Tears
An Angel Bathes In Tears
Diniel rested for a second
and turned his eyes away
from those that he was caring for
and in that moment all was lost.
Now he bathes in the cascades
of acidic human tears
that flood the world with grief.
Erosive and corrosive
at the passing of infant souls
in a war that has no meaning
in a world that has no morals.
Now his dainty angel features
disappear unt...
Friday 25th July 2014 2:30 pm
Golden Eagle, soaring high
Shot down in flames
From hate-filled skies
Raining people
Watch them die
What the hell is going on?
Luggage scattered
Bodies shattered
Children's toys
Bruised and battered
They shot a fucking plane down!
Innocent lives of hundreds gone
Families broken
Left to mourn
The loved ones
Who won't make it home
Division - at what cost?
A politic...
Monday 21st July 2014 8:53 pm
His Mother makes them both a snack
Jamal, he sits out in the back
Upon an empty old rice sack
Flip-flops and bottle tops
In Gaza, fun for girls and boys
Are simple things that make no noise
For Jamal they're his favourite toys
Flip-flops and bottle tops
He plays outside in rubble dust
His Mother smiles and is not fussed
It's safer there but only just
...Friday 18th July 2014 5:18 pm
let us pretend
Let us pretend
that we haven’t been this way before
too recently and too often
that this is the way forward
that it is the road to the peace
which eluded you when you sent
planes and tanks and men
into Lebanon, Ramallah, Jenin,
Gaza, Gaza, Gaza.
Let us pretend
that this time will be different
that this time will be worth it
that you can tot up the lives...
Tuesday 15th July 2014 9:56 pm
Burning Books
Listen not unto the lie that stings the lips.
Witness not the act that stays a pitied mind.
Speak not of the hatred that will crack the whips.
Let not those insidious be here enshrined.
Trample not upon the freedoms of your kin.
Take not which was never here for you to own.
Read not of the bitterness that splits the skin.
Write not of the malice that shatters the bone.
Reason with the ...
Tuesday 15th July 2014 11:22 am
The Memorial Day
It was Sunday morning, 1941, the 22nd of June,
The day of the growing Moon.
The country peacefully slept
While Hitler a horrible idea had kept.
Without announcing the war
He had given an order
To bomb the Soviet Republics border.
By unexpected military actions
The fascist wanted to capture all nations,
To turn the peoples into the slaves,
To fill the country with grav...
Sunday 22nd June 2014 8:39 pm
ARROMANCHES - a Re-post of Remembrance for 2014
On the beach at Arromanches then
Young men saw friends die;
Pacing the sands of Arromanches now
Old men softly sigh.
There by the sea at Arromanches
They cheer a much-loved Queen
But the Arromanches that their Sovereign knows
Is not the place they've seen
And the Arromanches where their Sovereign goes
Is not the place they've been.
On the beach at Arromanche...
Friday 6th June 2014 12:05 am
Grandchildren Of The Somme
Grandchildren Of The Somme
the dead lay on the injured earth
all wearing grey death masks of mud
a tally of what life is worth
just bone and sinew flesh and blood
attrition wrought its deadly cost
the river Somme held back its flood
humanity forever lost
just bone and sinew flesh and blood
sixteen miles wide and just six deep
survivors wondered if they could
block out the dreams t...
Saturday 19th April 2014 3:38 pm
soviet bombers fragment
Silver-plated mothertruckers! Yey. The Russians have bombed Georgia targets inc a Black Sea port, oil pipeline, military targets, civilians, etc. 2 jets have been shot down, 1 pilot/aircrew killed I no of. I’m not sure of Georgian air force strength. They got 29 Su-27 flankers back in 92 when they left the Soviet block. Any jets since? All will be Russian kit. Russian t...
Friday 7th February 2014 8:44 pm
BLACK BLOOD - a poem for the Great War
My father survived the Western Front and the Italian Front in the Great War, promoted from the ranks to
2nd lieutenant, 1st Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, attached to the 5th Division. He was in
uniform again for WW2 and died aged 50 of TB when I was five. I have a book about the 5th Division left
by him, containing some handwritten recollections of that terrible conflict...
Wednesday 29th January 2014 4:37 pm
"Peaceful Ukraine, Peaceful Maidan"
Peaceful citizens in the peaceful Ukraine.
Peaceful hard hats on the peaceful heads,
Peacefully breaking the slavers chain
Peacefully fight and protest.
If one is not peaceful, there’s no place here.
Peaceful slogans and peaceful “Hooray”
Peacefully kicking without a fear
Those who happened to fall on the way.
All is so peaceful, so white and so fluffy.
Sunday 26th January 2014 11:11 am
Hurricane fighter plane dives through clouds towards the ground,
he goes down through the thick grey murk, no one can see him or knows
where he is going.
His wingmen landed some time ago and still there is no trace of him.
Is he gone, his plane so many smashed pieces of metal or burnt ash?
The dogfight was fast and swift with many planes turning and rolling
for as...
Wednesday 1st January 2014 9:14 pm
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