Flanders Field
Heroes of a nation, who would have knew
That they risked their lives for everyone, valiant and true. The darkness of the battlefield, will blind them all their lives
The images that they have seen shall remain upon their minds
Yet in this hour of war, they sheltered us with their shields,
Raised their weapon as the shots ran out, their wounds will never heal. Many will never be returned to the golden fields of home,
There they lay in Flanders field, their name remains unknown,
To all but their families, who now have come to pass,
But it's for them that this day, I proudly raise a glass. Show them all respect for all that they have done,
They lost their lives in battle, beneath a foreign sun,
Never asking for anything in return for what they did,
They stood their ground and battled on where others ran and hid. We should honour them by living in a way that's just and right,
Never turn our backs in fear, instead stand and fight,
For every man is equal, and no fight is ever won,
Whether it be through words, or by the firing of a gun. Remember them that came to pass, and those that suffer on,
Their bravery and loyalty was always second to none,
Remember them always, never allow yourself to forget,
For in Flanders field they fell, and their they remain yet. Anthony Kasazkaja 2014
keith jeffries
Wed 3rd May 2017 22:11
Anthony, thank you for this beautifully crafted poem which captures the heroism and sacrifice made by so many. In recent times I have also written some World War One poetry beginning with the Battle of the Somme called Hell´s Quagmire. Thank you for this gallant piece of work. Keith