The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

oldham (Remove filter)

Bar Steward Town 1 (for Debbie)

Bar Steward Town 1 (for Debbie)

What they did to Debbie was beyond compare

Anywhere else except in this damn town

A real lady came from afar to heal the sick

Persons unknown took her happiness


Did their despicable act and slew her life

They respected her religion by crossing her

But not her body by using two big knives

Two decades on the killers are free


Just s...

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Not White To Weft (early poem for public art sculpture in Oldham)



Lay flat and spun together you’ve always run  a town,

each  part is party to the next and  grown

separately  we conflict and seethe  from

it  and sneer from it, no one is happy in  slavery

wouldn’t  talking be a step, food too  and

work  unites us, it’s not them making us  toil

we  all carry the can and  mustn’t

need  to chase our own tale to cause  blame

each  ti...

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AcrosticcottonmillOldhamracismspinning mule

Very Nasty Builder

happened to me on jan 31 on way to poem night. what an evil nasty man. hope karma tears him a new arse hole.
Very Nasty Builder

Very Nasty Builder
Drunk builder is out for trouble.                                                                                                

Like a soldier with a grudge and a loaded rifle.                                                          ...

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drunken buildermanchester bustool bagviolencebad eventoldham

North Town


North Town

My stress and anxiety continues.

It’s living in this crap dying town,

that I’m sure of.

I’d rather be in West Berlin writing poetry,

engaged to a Fraulein.

Soaking up European history.

Instead I’m here: Oldham.

Thorn in the side of the North.

You want a cool place,

go to Manny.

Nowhere is like Manchester.

Catch a gig or shag a bir...

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oldhamnorthern townnothing to dodrink

poem tatoo whatever...

FLAMES ARE TEARS. TEARS ARE FLAMES, TILL THE BITTER END... my new tattoo poem in my own writing done by matt, apprentice at banana juice near park cake bakeries. for a gal ill never love. we had 2 chances to be together and it went wierd. not over yet... i dont understand why. also my tat has many meanings and is for other ppl too, not just me. it can mean see it thru to the end, follow y...

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banana juice tattooist mattoldhampoem versetattoo




A town like mine is crap by definition, being full of a certain type of people adding to the crapness.                                                                                                                                                       

What do you think of Oldham?                                                                                           ...

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I’ve been on an eight mile hike with my mate, getting out of town.                                                               

Up roads, to the Waterworks to give a witch my Amelia Earhart spell.                                                                                    

Venturing through farmer’s fields, over dry stone walls and under barbed wire fences.      ...

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poem i read live at blouse band gig opening for them




Rising higher and higher the warplane climbs

through the hazy sky, sun reflecting off the distant water

far below through a gap in the clouds.

Missiles hang under delta wings

ready for instant launch when an enemy

is spotted across the distant sky.

An inhuman machine with the looks of a goddess


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poemnick armbristerliveblousejackson's pitoldham

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