The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Empty spaces 
Filled to the brim 
With everything that won't make you feel 
The same as you did before 

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I Have A Fetish For Escapism

Puppy Hoods

Make me think that the world runs smoother

When all focus

Is on leather and sweat and stink.

Glorious odor that makes the mobius strip slow.


And Ouroborus is Self Fellatio.


My leading member drags me through pigeoned glory holed thoughts.

And I lose

The consideration of purpose

and other abstracts

such as longevity and sustainability in flesh a...

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Connor LannesEroticFetishSexEscapismInternalHomosexualhomosexuality

Red Wine Devine

Red wine, devine - gush great Niagra!

Rose blush my lips, the female viagra

Pink screen my vision and grape stain my teeth,

Crush days to hours and press days to weeks.


Red wine, sublime - course through my veins

Make white my black, make barren my frames

Hide red with rouge and slur a fake smile

Extract the poison, inject the denial.

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Peacock Dreams


Peacock Dreams


“Cashier to checkout seven please.”

She barely hears; behind her mask of Monday smile.

She steers each item past the barcode beep, and sleepworks

- finds that it’s the only way to make it through the disappointment, rude necessity

and shame of this small life, of “every day is like the last”

and tomorrow will be, predictably,

just the same.

Trapped on the conveyor ...

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