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one night

one touch, two touch enough to get a taste

three touch, four touch enough to feel the waste

five touch, six touch i like you now 

seven touch, eight touch don’t put me down

nine touch, ten touch this is a mistake

eleven touch, twelve touch is this really fake?

thirteen touch, fourteen touch i really need to go

fifteen touch, sixteen touch thank you for the show

light touch,...

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usedhooking up

Knock Knock

You and your trust issues

Me and mine

You have your fears

And your doubts

About me

And I have mine


But every time

We try to rationalize

And prove to each other

That the pieces don't fit

The sentences get left



Back and forth

Like whiplash

Seeing how far I'll go

Until I look back

Keeping me comfortable

At a distance



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Water falling down my face, in my head I’m confused

I thought I did things right, but I’m all alone and feeling used

Emotionally, mentally, even physically abused

I had everything to give, and also everything to lose

I open up my home, and they became thieves in the night

I woke up and didn’t notice, all I see is the sun shining bright

The birds are singing, grass is greener, in ...

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