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Knock Knock

You and your trust issues

Me and mine

You have your fears

And your doubts

About me

And I have mine


But every time

We try to rationalize

And prove to each other

That the pieces don't fit

The sentences get left



Back and forth

Like whiplash

Seeing how far I'll go

Until I look back

Keeping me comfortable

At a distance


Haven't I proved myself

Haven't I exemplified

That I'll always be around

I'll smile when you smile

And pick you up

When you're down


An A on all your tests

And yet you still

Think I cheated

Like somehow I have

The answers to your mind

Written on my hand


I just want to be with you

And know what's ahead

Not live everyday

Questioning the end

Always locked outside the door

When I'm the one you should let in



◄ The Snake

Floor of Lava ►


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 27th Jun 2018 11:03

Well put, with chilling honesty. I shudder.

Frances Macaulay Forde

Wed 27th Jun 2018 03:38

I enjoyed this because I found 'knocking' inspirational too.

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