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Snowflakes drop a blanket
like Christmas at Easter.
Three vain Narcissus
Woo with their gold,
Calendar demands
Tears with each snap.
Acidic stomach, head throbs,
last night’s wine.
Dreamt I could fly.
Felt so real.
Why wake up?
Morning report:
dead crow on the road
would not leave the kill.
Snow displacing sun,
a white lie;
birds sing, go away, go away,

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Only For You

Life is precious beyond compare

Even though I no longer see you standing there


What couldn’t I help but miss?

Thoughts abound how it’s come to this


Alone and confused

Feeling mentally abused


The twinkle in your eye

That lit up the sky


The smile across your lips

That warmed me to my finger tips


The look you gave to me

That set my heart free


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