The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

rochdale (Remove filter)

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I remain broken


Pretty pink.

Soft, baby pink.

Gentle, rose petal pink.

Full of love, heart shaped pink.

Lipstick for the ladies pink.

Sickly-sweet icing pink.

Prim and proper,

don’t get your dress dirty,






“You’re such a girl,” he jokes,

As I refuse the offer, of one of his, ‘smokes.’

His eyes alive wit...

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child abusedifficultmovingemotionalrochdalelongsound

poems i read at Scribble Fest, Rochdale July 2011


Born out of diverging needs and used in battle, American airframe and English Merlin engine creating a machine quite unlike any other. At home six miles above the earth protecting silver lumbering B-17s from murderous Nazi fighters, down on the deck filling the krauts full of lead, don’t tell me that never felt good!

Flying and rolling up into the blue, six fifty cals gunning Ge...

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nick armbristerscribble festrochdale

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