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The Young Fool

Oh how I was the fool 

a girl who saw the heat in your flume 

you struck me like a star in the night sky 

but burned me like a nick on my rear thigh. 

Your lies cut me into many pieces of broken glass 

I felt your light distinguish with the slightest of gasps.

i didn’t even get to say goodbye, 

for you disappeared like a whisper

into the night sky ... 

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love gone wronglove-hateonly me left





Just your words on paper, nothing much,

random thoughts of daily life.

What if this was the last letter on earth?

Worth the world then or in my possession

if I was stranded far away on the moon

would your words be my lifeline and save me?

Or prolong my agony, make my stay there my Hell?

A curse or a blessing in my hands now.


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your letterwords for memeaningfulonly me left

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