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near death (Remove filter)


The greatest things in life cannot be seen,

Like happiness, love and serenity,

Anger, malice, wrath and rage,

I'm sick of these feelings as I grow with age,

There's more to life than being locked up,

Slamming dope and running amuck,

Looking over my shoulders the paranoia doesn't stop,

The fun is all gone and the streets are too hot,

Life on the run has turn into a drag,


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FateNear deathnear death experiencePTSDtraumaaccidentran overlifedeathcatillacsurgeryblunt force traumaroad rash/burnsfucked upGod shot

Why You Can't Find a Master Class on Death

You can find volumes of information
On how to die, but the materials are
All prepared by interns and trainees.
The true masters on the art of dying
Have all lost interest in our struggles
With mortality and how to be shed of it.

Still, we want as much information as
Possible, so we can be prepared when
The time comes. We hang eagerly on
The words of those who nearly died,
Just so maybe...

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deathnear deaththe art of dyinghappy death


amidst a sultry warmth

three boys answered

the call

of Devonian dawn

and with no words to warn

saw no cause

to fear the sirens luring call.


surf gently boiled trims the shore

with silver pearls,

then, with throaty holler

and backs arched

three boys

cast their bodies into the brisk and briney


blue who’s welcome embrace extorts


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near deathoceandrwondevon

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