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mothers taboo subjects. (Remove filter)

The School Run

Swinging upwards,

scathingly steering myself towards salvation.

School Run: teacher testimonials and tallies.

An “Other,”

an outcast from tradition.

Rousing the reluctant offspring,

combative to my requests.

We breakfast briefly,

on little balls of sugary synthetic yellowness

We arrive at school,

greet the countless glamorous goddesses

oozing out of the orifices


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schoolmothers taboo subjects.Social Observations

An Essay On State Sponsored Child Abuse

Ah yes, the sixties! The Beatles, poker dot bikinis, Carnaby Street and Free Love. Yes yes, the sixties with retarded children bum fucked for being put up for adoption! Have I caught your attention oh quiet populous of Britain? Some information came my way some years ago, that children who were put in adoption homes back in the late sixties - early seventies, were experimented on by our own UK Mil...

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child abusethe unknowingmothers taboo subjects.

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