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Lost in the World

I search for you in this lost world

The more I search, the more the air grows thin

Just as I think to give up, I hear you call out-

"Don't give up, give it another whirl.

You have to carry on for both of us and win."

How can I do this without you by my side?

I lie in the cold, remembering your beautiful smile

I wish you could have held on for just a little while

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missing youbrotherlost loved onesurviving suicide

Death of a loved one.

On a cold chilly night
I sat and watched
my one true love
slowly die.

Then falling from the sky
was the first snow fall
just right before
she took her last breath.
She then whispered
her last goodbye
and kissed me once more.

Not a second later
her body went cold,
no heart beat was heard,
and no more life inside her.

The angels have took her
to a better place
where she was gi...

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