The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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loss of identity (Remove filter)

My Isle of Wight School Trip, 1987

Tendrils of sight swim
memories from my child mind
vast Graveyards flash past
the coach windows
as I sat alone, 
my split-self bristling
against the fabric seats
My school friends chatter
then later they climb
into sleeping bags, safe
I brought my heart out
into the moonlight, breathless
learning how not to wake
others with my grief
whilst you took your half
of my heart
high up int...

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griefChildhood memoriesloss of faithloss of identity

F34r Th3 Numb3r5

F34r Th3 Numb3r5



Th3 numb3r5


th31r p0w3r

t0 pu5h y0u

1nt0 rush1n9


Cl0ck w4tch1n9


Th3 numb3r5

On th3 5p33d0meter

0r ch451n9

A bu5



Fr0m p1ll4r

t0 p05t


g3tt1n9 w319h3d





Th3 c0d1n9

1n y0ur c0mput3r

Wh1ch dr1v35

Y0ur l1f3


B1n4ry ch1ld


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codedehumanlisingloss of identitymodern worldnew identitynumbers

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