The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Isle of Wight School Trip, 1987

Tendrils of sight swim
memories from my child mind
vast Graveyards flash past
the coach windows
as I sat alone, 
my split-self bristling
against the fabric seats
My school friends chatter
then later they climb
into sleeping bags, safe
I brought my heart out
into the moonlight, breathless
learning how not to wake
others with my grief
whilst you took your half
of my heart
high up into the heavens. 


griefChildhood memoriesloss of faithloss of identity

◄ Cruelty to Boys

Courage to Speak ►


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Emma Stradling

Fri 30th Apr 2021 12:47

Thanks. I think i'll leave heart in twice. It is important after all.

I keep meaning to get onto Zoom Greg. It just hasn't happened yet and didn't see this until now.

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 29th Apr 2021 18:07

I love this.

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Greg Freeman

Thu 29th Apr 2021 14:37

You absolutely have to use the word 'heart' twice, Emma! This is a really powerful poem looking back at childhood, always a rich seam for poetry. It's also a wonderful title that immediately draws you in. Any more of this and we will demand that you come and read at Write Out Loud Woking on Zoom! Fancy looking in tonight, just to listen?

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Thu 29th Apr 2021 13:30

You could use '...brought my broken heart out...' in the first instance and then there's a sort of surprise factor where later we find it is broken completely into two and why, and that absorbs and even justifies the re-use of the word. But I didn't actually think it was a problem, I'm just suggesting this because of your comment.

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Emma Stradling

Thu 29th Apr 2021 13:24

In hindsight i'm not sure i should have used heart twice...

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