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lollipop lady (Remove filter)

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Lady Lolly’s late

I see her every morning

And she runs without warning

In her arms is her lollypop

and no one dares ask her to stop


She's running for good reason

As it's definitely the season

To run with the tide

But for her, there's definitely nowhere to hide


She's running late 'tis lady lolly

Amongst the herd is our Polly

The stream of kids is never ending

But it's her b...

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She volunteered at the hospice,

They'd seen off her old man fine

Daytimes she was a lollipop lady

Keeping kids safe with her sign


Then she took ill, her sight went

Gradually the kids put in peril,

A brain tumour behind her eyes

Still the kids relied on old Beryl


Sadly she gave up the hospice

Painkillers made her too weary

The kids noticed she was tired


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