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Billy's Problem (LMS)

Billy's Problem

(Originally seen in the Like-Minders Theme Park 'Propper Spelling School')


Billy's with us here today

Troubled with a plight

He doesn't quite know what to say

Does he bite or byte ?


When his tongue and teeth connect

(Cos teeth not lined up right)

Does he say “shit!, ouch, I bite”

Or “shit! and ouch, I byte ?”



It doesn't matter Billy...

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Coronavirus and the LMS Theme Park

Coronavirus and the LMS Theme Park


(Please contact me to join LMS or if you have any questions)


LMS is virus

Proofing it's Theme Park

So all of those who enter

Can miss corona's mark


They're proofing all the boundaries

Attempting also roof

Don't let yourself be fooled in thinking

This is just a spoof


If 'rona comes and visits WOL

And you're not ...

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Billy's Problem LMS

Billy's Problem


(First seen in the Like-Minders Society Theme Park Rollercoaster Stop 'Propper Spelling School')


Billy's with us here today

Troubled with a plight

He doesn't quite know what to say

Does he bite or byte ?


When his tongue and teeth connect

(Cos teeth not lined up right)

Does he say “shit!, ouch, I bite”

Or “shit! and ouch, I byte ?”




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LMS Update 19/2/20

 LMS Update 19/2/20


The Like-Minders Society (LMS) is a group of WOL poets who think alike and communicate via PM.

It focuses on the exploration of fantasy, imagination, humour, and offbeat poetry.

Back in October 2019 I started working on an idea of combining fantasy, imagination, humour and offbeat poetry. I called it the Like-Minders Society. From this initial idea grew the virtua...

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Update. But You'll Just Have To Wait

Update. But You'll Just Have To Wait


The goings on behind the scene

Will soon make it's debut

You think I'm having fun with you?

Of course, that's what I do


LMS updates are fun

But you'll just have to wait


Humourland is hidden

Hidden, hiding 'way

Behind it's gates, The Theme Park

Where Like-Minders play


LMS updates are fun

But you'll just h...

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LMS Rollercoaster Toenail-Paint Back-to-Work Celebration

LMS Rollercoaster Toenail-Paint Back-to-Work Celebration


Our Rollercoaster's been through

Smoke and lots of fire

Our Leader watched out two four seven

Did not for sleep retire


(He is a good Leader....)


To celebrate it's back-to-work

A Toenail-Paint is planned

Riders will jump in feet first

No colour WOL has banned


(WOL Board has been notified


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Do Not Worry. All Is Well

Do Not Worry. All Is Well


I have had to close the Like-Minders Theme Park during the recent extreme fire risk period.


Imagine the insurance paperwork if it burnt down....


What? ….You don't insure imaginary Theme Parks?


What sort of mickey mouse company are you?


You insure Liberace's fingers but not my vivid imagination and creative mind?


The line's g...

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Ride Twice

As a child, racing past the height post
eager to ride the roller coaster
there were those who'd jostle in the queue
to sit at the very front
with an uninterrupted view of what was coming
no obstruction to the beauty
of the madness
afforded by that ride
to see it all and see it first
filling up their eyes

And there were those of us who’d choose the back seats
secretly knowing that was ...

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