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Sifting Sands

hungry hourglass happens
human helplessness--
humanity hastes, hangs, hovering
between bottomless boundaries
bouncing, bobbing buoyantly
but back below
sands sift with shifting sorrows-
sunsets sink senile-- so,
how do hating humans have hope?
temporal time turns turnips into topsoil--
topsoil into tar-pits,
a tale that is told
by battling bugs boasting
of being bold beings
above & b...

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time in a bottletime passes byhopehope not hate

Swayed On The Knife Edge

I held my breath taut
as she swayed on the knife edge
arms calming dipping, rising
dignified reslilience 
I blew her my love and fell to sleep

as father turned on son

as daughter turned on mother

as neighbour turned on neighbour

as she fell

Rule Britannia?  

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hope not hatepolitical poempoliticial poetrypunkpunk poetryreferendum

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