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In less than an hour it will be 1997.

In this short time do you remember?

Do you shrug off the past to make way for the future

or do you hold on to the dying year

seeing every minute disappear before your eyes?

On this, the last day we have been covered by snow

and frozen by the cold as the old God Cronus turns

his hour glass over for another year.

He c...

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new yearold yearnew beginningsold memorieshappy days1996 poem




This is the endless summer of our youth

a time of music and of fun.

A time of blue skies and cold beer

in pubs in the country.


The sky is always free of clouds

and we fall in love, so heart achingly, to last forever.

Special times, trips to the coast.

It is a time for you and me.


Our friends are always there for us

when we see music festi...

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happy daysinnocent timesmy youthremember

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