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Walking Back To Happiness on Friday 26th May 2023 (KISS and TOFFEE)

Desperate to get out and exercise

My increasingly bloated physiology,

I follow advice that I’ve learned from life,

Two magic formulae, KISS and TOFFEE,

My first is: Keep It Simple Stupid!

Then: Time on Feet,-without the t!-well spent, I hope.

And I follow the wisdom undiluted,

Contained in the words of Alexander Pope:

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!

So on Frid...

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Alexander PopeArthur Lydiardexercisewalking

Thanksgiving for Sunday 23rd April 2023

It was an ordinary Sunday,

‘Til you turned up, then it was Fuuunday!


We took along bread for feeding the birds,

God’s creatures need love, both feathered and furred,


We settled for the path with the steepest rake,

Which leads directly down to the lake,


Exercise for the legs, the heart and the mind,

But to granddads’s old knees, not quite so kind!



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Canada GeeseCherry blossomexercise

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