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dream of freedom (Remove filter)

2020 Spring

Poetry, written by Ali Taha Alnobani


A metallic alien object with plastic gaze

Without emotions, and no feelings

It holds tapered forceps and a magnifying glass

It runs on the empty street

Like a spooky ghost

Like an absurd robot

His eyes are round, red

His nose is crunchy squared

And his voice is like air when it comes from the hole of a sick object


Now h...

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Corona virusDeath by Virusreal life storiesdream of freedomfreedom anywherefreedomspeakopendoors

Human misery

I’m an abject, because the helmsman of our homeland says so,

while into turbulent waters he leads us


I’m wicked, because the helmsman of our homeland says so

and without hesitation makes the ship tumble

and with an uncertain course will capsize it


I’m a scoundrel, because the helmsman of our homeland says it

while behind an alibi he shields himself

and when the truth...

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Injusticeimpotencedream of freedom

It’s sufficient

It’s sufficient to briefly touch silence to feel days of glory,
the eternal word of friendship,
the chimes of freedom

It’s sufficient to lean between blue seas
to perceive the sweet semblance of calm,
the lost and aged dreams,
the future that you can imagine,
the language of love and peace

It’s sufficient to forgive and the good is understood

© Noris Roberts - March, 2019

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hopedream of freedom




Freedom my soul
I hold a gold
What i am i am
I am sold to my soul
Not like any one
I like to be one
Who knows his kingdom
Who knows his wisdom
There he is one
I am only one


A fire in gold
I love my soul
I am desire
My soul entire
My own sapphire
Polished attire
I know who i am
A human kind
Freedom bind

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dream of freedom

The Ride

Old sense of exhilaration

for the spirit to soar free


To be one with elements

on an aimless kind spree


No destination so to say

nothing planned as such


Tad touch of spontaneity

& escapade a sole crutch


Legs straddling untamed

not broken in yet mount


Uncertain of the outcome

and what it’ll tantamount


Timidity all but vanished


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dream of freedom

Natalie. Politico


Natalie. Politico

There was trouble in The Argentine. A few of Natalie’s friends spoke out against the military junta who ruled the country. The two girls and one boy, all aged eighteen, had simply vanished. Natalie was scared. Roberto warned her not to speak out. The same people who forced him into the army, ending his college studies, had apprehended the teens. Their fate was unknow...

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natalie dancingman with gunthreat of deathdream of freedomargentina

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