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december (Remove filter)

December 2024 Collage Poem: Play the Odds

What happens if Terry the giant does

not touch wood what would Sally say…

but still he drinks his ever so nice tea.


What would happen if Father Christmas didn’t

stop drinking Jack Daniels throughout the rest

of the year?


Drunken Santa is crashing through the snow

You’re all on the naughty list


Pensioners too cold to take a stand

munch a million bags of Mo...

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Stockport WOLDecemberCollage Poem2024

Shall We Meet December Soon?

Shall we meet December soon?

November is just for a week.

Shall we meet a new moon?

Will you show me the trick?



What have I noticed at my age?

The time flies, New Year comes.

I'll write carefully a new life page,

A page will be without any harms.



The time of the year suddenly changes,

I had no time to see many stranges.

I hope that my heart will be...

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I stepped outside and the sound of my feet made me nervous as I slowly walked along a neverending thick white floor.

The snow clung to my boots as if to find some warmth or maybe a hug.

Within minutes my hands were stiffened by the icy air that felt strong enough to slice through my stone cold fingers.

I should have wore gloves, I said to myself as I made 2 fists and buried them deep insi...

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December Collage Poem: Waves

Swansea waves words at passing poets


The twenty-fifth day is long and in others souls,

A week later we enter the next chapter with

New raging goals.


Kissing capitalism's ass and not mine

Highway traffic moves in waves,

Or should that be it crawls like a crab


Marrying a woman from East Texas

She cooked Christmas pudding for dinner each night

In peanut and r...

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Collage PoemDecemberStockport Art GalleryStockport WoLWoL

December Collage Poem: Disappointment - Part 2

Crossing over reflections

Mirroring his own life


Life is disappointing; but love is always

beautiful, even across dreary railway tracks

kniving through his childhood


Hair kissed under Homeric stars

Whatever the weather.


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Stockport WOLCollage Poemdecember

Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night


Pining with your sisters

in every other garden.

Laying used and violated

next to the shed.


Tinsel traces

like expensive jewellery

draped from your

denuded, coat-hanger, limbs.


Ribs of dry twigs

poke from your green dress.

Ripped and torn

by seasons greetings.


Where once your heart

beat fast and true


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twelfth nightdecemberchristmas tree

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