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Electric Ass

once she's plugged me in

she says my ass is electric

versatile as well as hybrid

makes her love-life hectic


trouble is with my battery

suffers from a limited range

after five miniutes full-pelt

my plug feels a bit strange


charges me in the kitchen

leaving me a cup of tea

goes back to bed while I

suffer from range anxiety


changed her energy tariff


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assbatterychargedelectrichybridrange anxietytechnology

About today

Write about your feelings, they say

they say you have a creative mind

for tonight, the lights are down and

tomorrow is the time


Yet words remain unwritten

tears, pour unsolicited

magic, musical connection

the language which we bid


Fear, it rings within our ears

they play, they laugh, they run

charismatic foolishness

the peoples’ hearts you’ve won



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