The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Half Time

Half Time


I was playing centre half

With Athletic five nil up

In a prestigious third round tie

Of the Inter-City Cup

Sunday morning football

After beer the night before

The referee blew for half time

It was a disappointing score


The captain’s girlfriend Elsie

Brought a tray of oranges out

Some of us took one and sucked

And tried to forget the rout


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napowrimo2017day 15(76)half timesunday leaguepoor teamunfitcharacters

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes was one of a kind,
Having such an extraordinary mind.
He lived with Watson at Baker Street,
Where with his clients he would meet.

With Holmes and Watson we go on such travels
To see how many mysteries Holmes unravels.
And for each case he would construct
Solutions with great powers to deduct.

Sometimes before a case would begin,
Holmes might like to play the violin.

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CharactersDetective fictionSherlock HolmesSpiesStuart Vanner

the lovers of time

the lovers of time

oh my dear lady 
i do love you
i don't want this to be a cliche
nor a drab love song
i want this to be for you you you
not anybody else

so sing me a song baby
a song of love
about how we met
and what we have
and who we are dear

we are the lovers
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
how lucky we are
we have this time now
a thing that is...

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