Toys (Remove filter)
Tourist Trap
Holidaying as a teenager
back when time moved slower
and thoughts were many
I’d cruise the gift shops
reviewing tacky souvenirs
This used to be a fishing village
now it’s a tourist trap
And picking up a handmade bear
with wonky mouth and vacant stare
big button eyes and blood red lips
I’d wonder of its maker, its creator
someone dreamed
this bear into the world
someone thought this...
Tuesday 4th February 2020 3:16 pm
The Island of Misfit Boys
How is it
that even someone
that clings to broken toys
with a mix of
nostalgia and remorse
that cradles a chinadoll
whose chipped fingers slip through flesh
to the infantile heart at the center of
Could still
be held in the cradle of arms
owned by someone whose own skin
wields their own patterns of 'horse play'
And brazenly still
Refuses to let go
Of such an uncoordinated ...
Friday 26th May 2017 5:47 pm
His Mother makes them both a snack
Jamal, he sits out in the back
Upon an empty old rice sack
Flip-flops and bottle tops
In Gaza, fun for girls and boys
Are simple things that make no noise
For Jamal they're his favourite toys
Flip-flops and bottle tops
He plays outside in rubble dust
His Mother smiles and is not fussed
It's safer there but only just
...Friday 18th July 2014 5:18 pm
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