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No title to this sad song

I feel no warmth in your stay,

only light flames from your exhaust lead the way. 

The deadliest parts of you,

I hold high and mighty.

“Clearly it’s  not working out”

you tell me while I’m crying  


what’s wrong with me  


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Sadhateself haterealationshipdeathcrysorrow100 best poetry blogs

Six word Story

Empathy is
not your
Strong suit.

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Metamorphosed from a sun to a moon

       Before I Lost you

You were my sun
The azure sky
To scan.  

      After I Lost you

You became
My moon
Desperate to see
You soon.///

The tide of time must not kill love.

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lovesadlost and ruined

reflection reminscing

My emotions pouring out

My head lost in the clouds

But my body seemed to drown

I look at whats around

Your nowhere to be found

Whos problem is it now

Somehow I feel proud

I got sober

When we were over

And yet you still use

I feel like I was used

When the money ran out

Cheating came from the muse

Yet I stayed amused

I ignored the clues

My emotions are my...

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Used to

I used to be happy

I used to smile

But I am broken

It's been this way for awhile


I used to dream big

I used to be strong

Life got in the way

And it didn't take long


Lying in bed

My heart is racing

My mind won't shut off

These thoughts that I'm facing


Maybe they're better off

Without the burden of me

I feel so lost and alone

I can sense th...

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It's been broken so many times

I began to lose pieces that I thought were all mine

I'm in so deep and the void is so empty

So lost for words, but I don't want sympathy


Holding this heart with my bare hands

Please just take it...I don't understand

Time brought these wounds, yet they're not healed

Permanent scars have left them sealed


I'm scared of being alone and s...

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brokenemptyheartbreakin lovelostpoetrysadthis is my outlet

Thought of a restless mind.

As I grow, I see many places to live by
I see the true nature of life,
On how doll and peaceful it can be.
But what is life without sorrow?
What is life without dreams of the melancholic soul? 

Just a thought of a restless mind. 


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-To all the girls who love their beautiful  curly hair: 

Life just didn’t treat you fair. 

You started off as a soft delight 

then darkness grew, as the nights took flight. 

They screamed at you with venom, 

So you hid from their mighty bite


You ran home crying, 

because a bully tried to put up a fight. 


Coming home with mascara running down your face, 


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bonesdieingEating disorderhatesadself hate

plastic protection

your toothy grin
is only cotton
trying to blow down this brick
house I have crafted

you were included in the blueprint
until I started changing 
the locks 
and now you're waiting for
an open door

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lovehopeless romanticsadbrokendepressionanxiety

Richard Cory/ By Edwin Arlington Robinson/Translation in Amharic/ሪቻርድ ኮሪ/Alem Hailu

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled i...

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Cruel Refrain

For again i fall
To his charming call
A trap it may be
Its shine captures me

My heart is eaten out
My feelings headed south
Yet my affection is still his
My torture is his bliss

In his web, i lay
There came a girl one day
Ignorant of the danger
Behind the charms that linger

I could not shout
I could not call out
A fate that echos mine
A victim, next in line

It is like a cru...

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heartheartbreakrefraincruel refrainsadpainfulpastpoem

When a promise was a lie

Everything I wished for, everything I dreamed of, in my grasp. 

The dream became my nightmare. Torturing me by showing me what I want and need in life. Turning into something ugly and twisted. I have become a shell of what I spent years building myself up to be. 

It’s like I’ve crawled through the dirt and mud to get to the ladder, I climbed so I high I could feel the sun on my face and the ...

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My Fault Again

He made our argument physical again tonight

Every time I think it's the last

Leaving him isn't an option

Plus, where would I go?


My heart can't take the cruel words or pain

Eventually, I'll learn how to cope.

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sadaloneangryrelationshipargumentconfusedlonelymental healthtired


Here I am again.

Lost in the same world of limbo that I always get trapped in,

Oceans of mystery below me,

Plants growing underneath me,

Stars shooting above me,

I have been stuck in this oblivion for what has seems like decades,

Ideas and thoughts looping around and around inside this tiny head of mine,

Nothing seems realistic anymore yet it does not feel like a fantasy eithe...

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Envision this You have lived in a buried dark pit your whole life

Or at least since you can remember

All you have ever known is the feeling of helplessness

And misery

There is no way out but up

Which you are not even sure there is a peak

You try to climb

But gravity swallows you whole

And spits you out at the bottom of your inferno

Screaming, even though you are unsure ...

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sadthe pitdepressionaddictionspilled ink

Spiteful out of envy

I am going to do something completely out of spite

i know it's bad it makes me sad it's definetley not right

It's something inside me that takes over when i'm jealous

this certian urge causes me to become rebellious

I will regret this in the future and i will be sorry

as for now i'l do it proud and not have to worry

I apologise in advanced for this 

You'll find out some day 


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If I handed you,

one hundred balloons,

you would drop each one,

and float to the moons.


If I blew some bubbles

and watched as they float

you’d soar far above

and here I quote,


“If all the world,

was spinning round,

like a red balloon,

way up in the clouds,

you’d anchor me,

back down”


Well we went and we were,

two ball...

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balloonsbest friendsdeathlossmourningmourning losssadsisterssuicide

A dead rose for a dead friend.

I came across with a dead rose.

How impure and crooked it seemed.

Deteriorated without the life it once had.

I kept walking with it, holding it with my right hand.

How sad it was to see a rose like that.

Where once it was bright red,

now it’s only a brown looking thing with nothing left.

I kept walking with the dead rose,

a sad rose with no thorns.

Until the path ended i...

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Doing Bad To Good End

Sometimes you have
To think out of the box,

"Flog the workaholic ox
So that the indolent one
Dragged by the yoke
Willy nilly, together, begins
To work! "

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new year, new me.

new year, new me


new year, same old shit, same broken me.


the games they play will never change

the lies they tell will only grow in numbers

and every one

will erode at my happiness

and reduce what could have been mountains

down to only dirt.


i am broken





i used to be

i try to be

so kind

and compassi...

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new yearchangedepressionhopesadhappy

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