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When a promise was a lie

Everything I wished for, everything I dreamed of, in my grasp. 

The dream became my nightmare. Torturing me by showing me what I want and need in life. Turning into something ugly and twisted. I have become a shell of what I spent years building myself up to be. 

It’s like I’ve crawled through the dirt and mud to get to the ladder, I climbed so I high I could feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, I could see the dirt getting further and further away from me. I looked up and you were there, reaching down from the clouds, offering me your hands. You were going to pull me up towards you so I didn’t have to climb any more. 

However I made a mistake, I looked down, and you hated that I couldn’t let the dirt go without glancing. I screamed at you for what had happened to me. 

So you let go. Both of my hands were then reaching towards you as I fell backwards. As I hit the dirt you turned and the clouds closed. It begins to rain. 

So here I am. 

Laying back in the dirt, looking at the grey sky rain upon me. And wishing for the clouds to part and the light to shine. It never will again. The rain stops and now it’s night time. My skin wet and cold. I’m alone in the dark. Alone in the dirt.



Escaping the darkness ►


Big Sal

Mon 12th Mar 2018 19:54

Very open and thought-provoking.

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