The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

Not A Poem, I Just Don't Want To Forget.

I had that dream again
Same place different time
I asked Chris if we can have a minute so he exited, stage right
We were laying and I was holding you so damn tight like if I let go you'd float away.

Wood was falling from the roof and it was coming straight for your head
It probably would have killed you but I stopped it and saved you instead
You were so relieved we both started crying and ...

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See I thought I was inlove with you,
But now I am aware that our "love" was fake.

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Notmy fualt

I'm Not a hero

I'm not a hero

Want a simple quiet life

No hero lives here

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I'm Not Perfect













I'm Not perfect.


Some say I'm

too ugly.

Some say I'm

too old.

Some say I'm

too reserved.

Some say I'm

to bold.


I am who

I am.

I'm not

fancy or glam.


I'm not perfect.

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