The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Not A Poem, I Just Don't Want To Forget.

I had that dream again
Same place different time
I asked Chris if we can have a minute so he exited, stage right
We were laying and I was holding you so damn tight like if I let go you'd float away.

Wood was falling from the roof and it was coming straight for your head
It probably would have killed you but I stopped it and saved you instead
You were so relieved we both started crying and I couldn't stop hugging you, not that I tried.

I want it burned into my memory forever
I never want to forget how it felt to be touched by you again.
How it felt to have your lips on mine and that smile that you show, lighting up the entire sky.

God dammit I miss you, why did I have to wake up?
I'm begging for a coma in hopes that it's the reality I relive everyday.

Next time I have the dream maybe, hopefully, I'll be able to say goodbye. 



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keith jeffries

Tue 23rd Jan 2018 17:09

Nick, this is your best yet. Keith

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Douglas MacGowan

Tue 23rd Jan 2018 16:26

What a great but sad poem about separation from a loved one. Nicely done.

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