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Christan poetry (Remove filter)

Faith - a poem

Faith begins on the edges of understanding 



Faith begins on the edges of understanding

Let me please then fall into this abyss of source where Faith is.

A surfacing, peace filled trove glimpsed first amidst a raging wind,  

its past buried deep by the residue of age old minds.

One personal confrontation, not new yet rediscovered,

Connected to the gentleness of a longed ...

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Was it all real, 

what was said in the night?

Words sound different in the morning. 

But isnt the Romantic the one who knows right? 

He is the one who sees clearly 

that other world moving through us. 

Believe the heights, believe the depths;

it is the banality of the middle ground that lies, 

not the joy of the morning or the pain of the night. 

I must cling to what is ...

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Christ Love

The following poem is Christian. I am a Christian,

but I try to be flexible.






Heart beats young heart beats old, with

a love of Christ your heart beats bold.

Be ye rich, be ye

poor, with a love

of Christ you'll

have so much

more. The rain

falls on just

and unjust.

But remember

Christ rain


the dust.


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