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Alcholism (Remove filter)

York road

Red light wakes me in the morning hours 

your side is empty as I call out your name

Broken glass around me on the floor 

all my nights and all my days wasted away, his sweet escape 

fading further and further away from myself and the house on York road. 





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Alcholismlove lifetrouble

Why I am a barfly

Immediately after I
Fetched my salary
From a Bank
When I get drunk
Getting into a bar,
From my home not far,
No longer subject
To my inhibition
I become bold
To make an
Open breast of my love
To my inaccessible dove,
For on such state
I become easily capable
My financial challenges
And physical appearance
Anxieties to dissolve.

I crunch her number
Getting no answer
"U R Z best...

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