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1970s (Remove filter)

Aberystwyth Scenes, 1970

It was always The Cabin

before her lectures


                and Flic demolishing

                                The Times crossword,

                                sharing the clues but

                                writing the answers

                                as she read, smoked,

                                pushed her blond hair


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AberystwythCeredigionuniversitystudentsstudystudent life1970sCwrt MawrSkinners ArmsTalbotPrice AlbertcoffeeThe Cabin

The Man on the Mountain

In the inky winter darkness

A rough track from the lane

Leads upward onto the mountain:

                A small glimmer hints at life

                and we wonder where we are being led.

Out of the blackness, a dark shape shows in the slight mist

                The lights in a window flicker dimly yellow

                and the smell of peat smoke drifts down in the still ai...

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CeredigionMynydd BachWales1970sCottagePeatshotgunsPurdey

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