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Fantismo (Remove filter)

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Mr Fantismo on the river

Wait! Mister Fantismo for your turn down river
Inside his bright kayak in the raging water
About to cross challenge of hazardous spotter
Where two currents meet, big boulders deliver.

Paddling hard to steer right, avoiding obstacles
Getting hit by angles of rushing white currents
Focusing on the goal, skidding like a serpent
Through the maze of boulders to reach calm particles

Looking ...

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Mr Fantismo on tight rope

As Mister Fantismo prepares for the long march
Across the canyon for tight rope challenge
Over a thousand feet of plummeting savage
In deep concentration over the ridges parch

The focus in his eyes as he takes his first step
The rope wobbles a bit but he remains balanced
Another step taken without much of malice
Now fully on journey with the tremendous prep

One slow step at a time, sca...

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Mr Fantismo and the sea monster

As Mister Fantismo hears about a great tale
Of giant sea monster in a deep water lake
With Gizmo as sidekick in submarine to take
To see all depths in dark with bright lights for the scale

Finding a deep cavern and guiding through the hole
Slowly observing all, and being face to face
With a gentle nature, circling around this place
Flowing like a large snake with light motor control


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Mr Fantismo in Director's Chair

As Mister Fantismo puts his plan to direct
This blockbuster movie full of stunted action
That will have car chases and plenty of motion
A serious adventure of fun, wilderness trek

The superstars line up to be cast as hero
Overseeing process to pick the real winners
Those that can act as fools over throwing dinners
As life as this movie, smile wide as the zero

As the filming gears up to...

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Mr Fantismo at Sea

As Mister Fantismo seeks out the peaceful times
He decides on row boat across the vast ocean
To live solitary and with rhythmic motion
With whales, dolphins, and sharks- each offering their rhymes

The waves crash all around and crush tiny pieces
He abandons his ship and swims to an island
Where he dries himself off and finds fruitful highland
With mangoes and apples, aroma releases


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Mr Fantismo builds the cake

As Mister Fantismo enters baking contest
To build the biggest cake with delicious flavours
He needs all baking goods without any favours
As this solo project to prove that he's the best!

Bringing ingredients to his large bakery
The big bags of flour seem to be odd texture
Someone to ruin his dreams, as rocks in its mixture
Needing for urgency as nothing fakery

As the bags are all gone,...

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Mr Fantismo up Everest

As Mister Fantismo reaches mighty summit
With the help of Yeti, the beast of Everest
Around the vast mountains and the icy forest
Steep climbs without footings to avoid a plummet

The beast was so savage but he was being tamed
To help carry the load and provide oxygen
As the climb of horror to raise the origin
Of an unknown monster that crimes are to be blamed

Passing to the last hill, ...

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Mr Fantismo and the Ice Queen

As Mister Fantismo was friend with the ice queen
They would tease each other with games of sorcery
She would freeze his ankles for a tripping worry
And he would pour buckets of warm water canteen

They would sometimes argue even to end friendship
But the ultimate feat was to forgive, forget
And move past the cold sweats to recite alphabet
In their common rhythm without any guilt trip


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Mr Fantismo at the beach

As Mister Fantismo is building his castle
On the white sandy beach for the competition
The tide washes away his ambitious mission
But he won't quit his dream even with this hassle

He gathers bunch of sand and creates a design
The genius idea of a washed-up mermaid
Constructing it in real to grab the judge's grade
With every detail as properly defined

Proud of his second work he looks u...

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Mr Fantismo and the ranchers

The sheriff of Wild West was Mr. Fantismo
The greatest gunslinger that the world ever seen
That no one will challenge since record is pristine
Patrolling the vast land with Deputy Gizmo

Helping out the ranchers on the cows' migration
Hurrying them to the gate for winter's fertile ground
While keeping pack of wolves on this journey homebound
And telling scary tales of the rest of nation


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Mr Fantismo and The Pirates

Pull Mister Fantismo to the plank, feed the sharks
Said the pirate's captain to the rest of the crew
As our hero was caught getting the map's preview
And with his memory, remembering the marks

As he jumps from the plank onto the dolphin's back
Avoiding the cannon and now with the ship's chase
Speeding through obstacles and getting some free space
Arriving at island to gather treasure trac...

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Mr Fantismo and underwater soccer

As Mister Fantismo kicks the ball at goalie
It gets handled quickly and put back into play
This fun underwater sport of soccer with stingray
Blowfish and great white shark, as they pass too slowly

Trying to score some goals to lead to victory
The marlins come to play yet frustrate and defend
Putting back offensive to its striker fish friend
But our beluga whale saves the delivery

The b...

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Mr Fantismo and Napoleon

As Mister Fantismo grew up in part of France
His neighbor was a boy with a name Napoleon
They went outside playing, Chinese and Mongolian
The strategy of was hoping to win no chance

They learnt artful drama of leading an army
To victorious battles and avoid the perils
Overthrowing the Kings and slaying the devils
Throughout all the seasons sunny, rainy, stormy

Saying goodbye to friend,...

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Mr Fantismo at the hypnotist

Meow! Mister Fantismo is now an alley cat
In front of spectators for the great hypnotist
Licking wet his right arm for a bath with a twist
Purring his way to seat as he awakes format

He's now remembering being chased by the dog
This sweet little lady was trying to bite his leg
As the crowd was laughing at the show of your beg
But no teeth marks were found as the dog was now frog

As he ...

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Mr Fantismo and the game

As Mister Fantismo shoots and scores another
Getting the lead in game played in front on thousands
He bright up from the joy that his team from mountains
Could win this big event, being famous brother

There's still much to play for, being on your best toes
Powering through the pain, to score another goal
Now the lead is immense but don't ease pace and stroll
But his team is cheering and i...

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Mr Fantismo and the present

Rush Mister Fantismo to find the great present
As you know that Gizmo got you what you wanted
So you need to find it, the perfect gift vaunted
That will blow him away and to his heart's content

Looking low, looking up, through all the aisles of store
Grabbing and then squeezing all the more famous toys
But none to his liking as you know his great poise
That he enjoys the beat of his mindf...

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Mr Fantismo and the space race

Ah! Mister Fantismo, go get a glass of milk
Sit and refresh yourself, after exhausting race
Back and forth from the moon, while setting a great pace
Finishing in first place, a medal with some silk

The spacecraft was bright red and very, very fast
Avoiding satellites and the competitors
To make a daring turn through nasty predators
And avoid the pitfalls, and power through the blast


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Mr Fantismo at Olympics

Jump! Mister Fantismo as Gizmo screams from stands
He's doing the hurdles, and sprinting to first place
First event of his day, hoping for golden chase
In mighty decathlon, propelling feet and hands

In the shot-put event, he shows his bulging strength
Throwing for a record, and getting many points
The javelin sails long, and plants in town joints
Sprinting the one hundred to a win at arm'...

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Mr Fantismo and his carpet

The magic carpet ride of Mister Fantismo
Up and down the desert to find the oasis
Of overgrown fruit trees, and avoiding crisis
Not crashing in the sand with the help of Gizmo

Enjoying a hot day in the water treatment
When a bunch of monkeys stagger in as great fools
To steal our hero's ride, and not obeying rules
That is has one master, now they suffer statement

The carpet goes way up...

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Mr Fantismo and his unicorn

Riding high above clouds to the rainbow's high point
Mister Fantismo sings to his white unicorn
These beautiful lyrics that makes her go airborne
With gentle galloping, she flexes the horn's joint

The horn quickly sparkles revealing its power
As a yellow wakeboard, behind her is released
Fantismo climbs on top, being pulled by this beast
Through the rain and thunder, lucky him, hour by ho...

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Mr Fantismo helping Jack

"Sit and listen to me as I tell a story"
Said Mister Fantismo to the poor, old farmer
As his crops were destroyed by this Jack, the charmer
Descending this beanstalk, needing to chop storey

His corn smashed in pieces by this greenish ivy
But what he doesn't know was the angry giant
Barreling quickly down in huffing defiant
Would have leveled his farm and his life, probably


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Mr Fantismo on Mars

First steps on planet Mars for Mister Fantismo
Having travelled for long to watch destination
Alone on this journey with huge motivation
For this rightful owner, solo without Gizmo

Entering this spaceship, shrinking Earth left behind
Hoping to find lifeform, these little green Martians
That will have great power to grow alien gardens
To feed desert planet and advance this small kind


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Mr Fantismo in Merlin's Order

On this great adventure to Merlin's magic school
As Mister Fantismo learns from this special wand
The desire to flick and the potions beyond
From the epic master, getting his wooden tool

Learning the controlled way to make small objects float
And guide them to safety, away from bad danger
Making potions to heal all wounds of the stranger
And making safe havens for capsized fishing boat


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Mr Fantismo at Atlantis

Sail Mister Fantismo to the dark open seas
City of Atlantis is waiting for shipment
A package so precious with needed equipment
To cure the mighty God of his contagious sneeze

He must face the whirlpools and the flying fishes
The man-eating monsters with seven dangling heads
On this tiny vessel carrying all the meds
To find this island myth to carry out wishes

Avoiding all dangers to s...

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Mr Fantismo vs Caesar

Hail! Mister Fantismo, our loyal protector
He just won victory in a furious battle
Requesting for silence above all of prattle
To make a winning speech aimed to the large spectre

"Legends are born in Rome, but Saints are immortal"
Having said the saying, the elites start talking
Scratching their heads to think, how to punish balking
To aim at the revolt against Caesar's portal.

Off to ...

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Mr Fantismo vs Cowbica

Cowbica was spitting as the grass was half chewed
Grossing out the large crowd that came to see her show
She was supposed to be cowgirl with intense flow
A viral performer yet she created this feud

As Mister Fantismo rises up to accept
This rodeo challenge that she wins on this course
Globetrotters-Generals, game of loser on horse
But he's up for great fun as his grey donkey slept


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Mr Fantismo and sundae

As Mister Fantismo turns out his light to dream
Meeting Mister Sandman and his brown sprinkly dust
To set sail to kingdom amidst this loyal trust
Fighting his glorious way to delicious ice cream

Riding the caramel, avoiding the sprinkles
On vanilla waffle, he surfs to adventure
Biting chocolate chips, licking the whipped creature
All bites memorable, fighting off miss Finkles

She can't...

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Mr Fantismo and the princess

Oh! Mister Fantismo you are my real hero!
Said the royal princess upon prison escape
With the help of Gizmo, they forged through the landscape
To the highest tower guarded by this zero

She was stunned by his strength capturing her by hand
And dragging forcefully to the rocky prison
Where she stayed many years, thinking holy treason
As she was made a slave, washing away the sand

As Mist...

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Mr Fantismo and the minotaur

Fight! Mister Fantismo, the crowd is cheering loud
Inside the theatre, gladiator battle
In iron uniforms with the knees that brattle
Facing this minotaur, this part beast well endowed

Ducking the throwing spear to tremendous delight
Favorite underdog against wild champion
Using fruitless tactics, sneaking back as scorpion
To sting with precise hit with a sword from a knight

Avoiding th...

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Mr Fantismo and the treasure

As mister Fantismo travels around the globe
Finding the lost treasure of enormous gold worth
Trying together ores throughout this second Earth
Deploying his Gizmo as a second space probe

Determined to grab clue to a golden compass
That might be around bend or high above the clouds
Searching as high and low, even throughout mighty crowds
As a very first hint, there will be no rumpus

As ...

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Mr Fantismo - introduction

Here is my first story of mister Fantismo
Written in a sonnet, structured and poetic
He came to this cool world in vigorous frantic
To observe unicorns and explore the Cosmo

He will have a sidekick on his golden journey
Meeting some weird strangers and face stiff challenges
Explore the deep blue sea and the outside fringes
Avoiding the pitfalls and the cold steel gurney

Minotaur and Gr...

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