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suki spangles

Tue 17th Oct 2017 04:19

Hi Ray,

This has a slight Poe feel to it; some of his Gothic poetry has a similar vein of humour too. And, like David mentioned, can also be read as "knowing the enemy" ~ at least nick a score draw and walk away relatively unscathed..


Comment is about GROSS ENCOUNTER (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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Mon 16th Oct 2017 23:09

Thanks for stopping by David. This is a bit barmy, but then a vampire on a lead is like a tamed thing, no worse than perhaps any ferocious dog controlled. Your point is well taken sir.

Comment is about GROSS ENCOUNTER (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (18118)

Mon 16th Oct 2017 22:38

A beautiful poem. I can feel the yearning for freedom.


Comment is about Existence (blog)

Original item by keith jeffries

<Deleted User> (10985)

Mon 16th Oct 2017 22:33

Helen, this is a lovely poem. It fully deserves its place here as POTW. Reminds me of fishing trips with my Grandad ...
: ) x

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman


Mon 16th Oct 2017 17:01

Thanks bro, really appreciate it. One day at a time.

Comment is about Untitled V (blog)

Original item by Pablo_Chee

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Raj Ferds

Mon 16th Oct 2017 15:54

I love the wild, adventurous nature of this piece Kirsten.
Poetic with a tinge of the erotic... exploring and exploiting. Perhaps even grotesque.

I love "Take me to the woods to rip out my soul". What a fascinating entrée.

Beautiful More of the same please.

Comment is about Abandoned Houses (blog)

Original item by Kirsten N Wilmoth

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Harry O'Neill

Mon 16th Oct 2017 15:38

Slick`n about the superfluity of safety clickin` in a land of universal firearms

Comment is about Safety Off (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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Harry O'Neill

Mon 16th Oct 2017 15:29

I mean examples from any source - own or other...old or new...long or short.

Just curious - they must be around somewhere.

Comment is about Where? (blog)

Original item by Harry O`N eill

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 16th Oct 2017 13:49

I don't often comment on your work (my fault not yours) but I find this really compelling.

For what I term as a repetitive piece I think you've done a remarkable job of keeping the reader gripped with what's coming next.

And of course the change to the last line statement too. Perfect.

Personally one of your best for me.

Good work Ian.

Comment is about Safety Off (blog)

Original item by Ian Whiteley

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Chris Hubbard

Mon 16th Oct 2017 13:45

Glad you enjoyed it Hannah,

Poetry for me is the best way to try to understand our place (s) in the world, a balm for the lost. It builds frames and references we can drape over our visions, and tells our own stories to ourselves.


Comment is about Passions of the Soul (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 16th Oct 2017 10:57

thanks very much for commenting on 'Bait' Karen - glad you liked it - I'm hopeless at visiting WOL site at the moment - so only get to see comments when I come back to post something new - so sincere apologies for delay in responding - I really must make more of an effort to visit and contribute

Comment is about Karen Ankers (poet profile)

Original item by Karen Ankers

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 16th Oct 2017 10:57

thanks very much for commenting on 'Bait' Martin - glad you liked it - I'm hopeless at visiting WOL site at the moment - so only get to see comments when I come back to post something new - so sincere apologies for delay in responding - I really must make more of an effort to visit and contribute

Comment is about Martin Elder (poet profile)

Original item by Martin Elder

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 16th Oct 2017 10:56

thanks very much for commenting on 'Bait' Ray - glad you liked it - I'm hopeless at visiting WOL site at the moment - so only get to see comments when I come back to post something new - so sincere apologies for delay in responding - I really must make more of an effort to visit and contribute

Comment is about ray pool (poet profile)

Original item by ray pool

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 16th Oct 2017 10:56

thanks very much for commenting on 'Bait' Desmond - glad you liked it - I'm hopeless at visiting WOL site at the moment - so only get to see comments when I come back to post something new - so sincere apologies for delay in responding - I really must make more of an effort to visit and contribute

Comment is about DESMOND CHILDS (poet profile)

Original item by DESMOND CHILDS

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Raj Ferds

Mon 16th Oct 2017 10:22

Always good to get positive feedback so a big thank you to you Wardah and Hannah.

Let's all rise to a higher ground.


Comment is about I have arrived (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

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Raj Ferds

Mon 16th Oct 2017 10:20

Thanks Hannah and Wardah. I'm glad you liked it.


Comment is about Tantric Tandem (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

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Martin Elder

Sun 15th Oct 2017 22:45

Glad I caught this in the week. My hearty congratulations on being selected as POTW
Well done Helen

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Sun 15th Oct 2017 22:08

Really intense poem...?

Comment is about Tantric Tandem (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 20:42

'I believe in you'
That is a beautiful thing to say to someone.
Loved this one.


Comment is about I have arrived (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 20:40

Very beautiful poem.


Comment is about Tantric Tandem (blog)

Original item by Chakraj

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Helen Elliott

Sun 15th Oct 2017 20:31

Hi Cynthia,

I want to thank you again for your positive response to my poems. Your comments on my recent one really made my day, especially the fact that you came back for a second read. I really do appreciate the time you take to offer encouragement on WOL. When I receive a comment from you, I am sure that I have got it right :)

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Helen Elliott

Sun 15th Oct 2017 20:28

Thank you to you all for such supportive comments and to the powers that be at WOL for choosing my poem as POTW. It is an honour.
This was the first place that I ever posted my work, and although I have been absent in recent months, I always find myself returning.

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 20:26

Enjoyed reading this so much.
Caring, thinking can set us apart.


Comment is about Passions of the Soul (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 20:13

This is brilliant. Really felt for that cleaner. Great stuff.


Comment is about The Noise You Make (blog)

Original item by Suki Spangles

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Sun 15th Oct 2017 19:44

The think I envy with this kind of work is that if I tried it it would seem pretentious crap, but In your hands it works like an injection of LSD up the back passage. Wonderful world of technicolour wordplay, with humour shot through. As David says so eloquently, some of it is fathomable , all great stuff whatever the intention.


Comment is about Telepathic Parrots Can Read Your Dreams (blog)

Original item by Suki Spangles

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Sun 15th Oct 2017 19:29

Welcome Suki. It is nice to think I inspired your response - yes the king of goods lifts was that of the London Hilton which plummeted from top to bottom in about 30 seconds. I was always fascinated by the inner and outer lives of hotels and how like a digestive system any building must be - pretty revolting stuff but that's life. The other thing is that there is a rudimentary understanding between all who serve. I'm not familiar with Baudelaire's works, but apparently he was eccentric , so that's all good then!!

Nice to see back on form. Ray

Comment is about THOSE MAYFAIR HOTELS (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 17:23

the title alone has gifted me a big grin - another one to return to later when I get some more time. I will save reading till then. Col.

Comment is about Telepathic Parrots Can Read Your Dreams (blog)

Original item by Suki Spangles

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 17:21

Congratulations on POTW Helen and good to see you back posting on WoL again. Like Graham I missed this first time around so I'm pleased to catch up with it here. I know from reading your previous work just how much thought and effort you put into each piece and the quality really does shine through. I love those three opening lines - so important to grab the reader's attention and never let them go. All the best, Colin.

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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suki spangles

Sun 15th Oct 2017 15:59

Hi Helen,

Congratulations on winning POTW. Nice one!


Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

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Harry O'Neill

Sun 15th Oct 2017 15:34

Couldn`t get this on to the discussion fault.

Comment is about Where? (blog)

Original item by Harry O`N eill

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suki spangles

Sun 15th Oct 2017 14:41

Hi Ray,

So you are a reincarnated Baudelaire, or perhaps Baudelaire in a time machine..No matter, it will be WoL's secret..Spleen and Ideal in London.

Ah, traversing the Goods Lift. Funnily enough I mentioned the Goods Lift in a previous poem.The shuttle for shift-workers and entertainers (of all kinds); spies, patsy's, chefs, security, and the mysterious others who keep the arteries of buildings flowing: its kidneys, heart, soul and liver..A parallel cityscape. A noir within a noir.

I'll shut up now..

Oh, great poem too!!

Comment is about THOSE MAYFAIR HOTELS (blog)

Original item by ray pool

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mike booth

Sun 15th Oct 2017 13:47

Thanks. M

Comment is about Burning Desire (blog)

Original item by mike booth

<Deleted User> (10985)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 13:11

I love this Helen. Right up my street ... #GoesOffToPackBagWithBunsAndBeer : )

Comment is about How To Catch A Fish In The Solent (blog)

Original item by Helen

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 15th Oct 2017 12:25

These WOL-ers really are a great bunch, very eclectic in interests, background, and ages. I'm really glad you've decided to join. There will always be someone to surprise and stimulate you.

IMO, joining in with comments is hugely rewarding. Or even using the 'Flower Button'.

Comment is about Phils Words (poet profile)

Original item by Phils Words


Sun 15th Oct 2017 12:01

Hi David, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. This one for me is about Australian Aboriginal culture, which I'm certainly no expert on, but from what I have seen is incredibly beautiful and has so much wisdom to offer, if we'd only listen - and unfortunately there's not much of a history of that happening in this country (Australia).
Thanks again

Comment is about Blood and Bone (blog)

Original item by Lan

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 15th Oct 2017 11:55

I appreciate your interest and your comments. I always consider very carefully suggestions from fellow writers. And I have benefitted hugely.

But, in the case of 'The Dreamfooter', I would not now make alterations. It has been twice published and three times presented in spoken poetry 'programmes'.

I often make changes years after first 'writing'. Just not this time.

Thanks much. And, please, never hesitate to challenge anything I write. That is real 'sharing'.

Comment is about John E Marks (poet profile)

Original item by John E Marks

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 15th Oct 2017 10:51

Surprised I missed this charming piece last week (holiday) but what a beautifully written poem. Delicately balanced and a worthy POTW.

Good work Helen.

Comment is about 'How to Catch a Fish in the Solent' by Helen Elliott is Poem of the Week (article)

Original item by Greg Freeman

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 15th Oct 2017 09:51

Very passionate. Great writing.


Comment is about Burning Desire (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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Philip Stevens

Sun 15th Oct 2017 09:24

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Philip Stevens

Sun 15th Oct 2017 09:19

Bang !! daily thoughts exploded into the reality of the day ... and what happened, can happen, is happening....

Comment is about Humanity (blog)

Original item by steve pottinger

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Philip Stevens

Sun 15th Oct 2017 09:12

Magnifmarvel a rhymescrumptioulus riddle of englush doctored dictonary cribbles....

Comment is about stabberjocky (blog)

Original item by steve pottinger

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Sun 15th Oct 2017 06:14

RAj thankyou for your comments I don't think It will happen in my lifetime but let's hope Wendy x

Comment is about Chakraj (poet profile)

Original item by Chakraj

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Sun 15th Oct 2017 03:56

Thank you

Comment is about Ice (blog)

Original item by MyDystopiA

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John Marks

Sun 15th Oct 2017 01:42

Hello Cynthia. I've read a lot of your poetry tonight. Decided to. I like 'Hurricane' and 'The parting' a lot, pithy, focused, precise - though I'm not a descriptivist myself - but i think 'Dream footer' would benefit from being must less first person. I think it could be a great poem - reworked.


Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

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Sat 14th Oct 2017 10:56

Thanks much appreciated Jon. I love the film - there's just such great acting from Kingsley and also Ian McShane that Ray seems like a kipper. The film works with him though, and we just imagine how he feels instead of seeing it on him imo. This is the second stab about English films I've done, the other one about Get Carter some while back!(not the Stallone version).

Cheers . Ray

Comment is about YOU SEXY BEAST (blog)

Original item by ray pool

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sat 14th Oct 2017 09:03

Ingle Jingle
Jangle Jom
Tingle Ingle
Dangle Dom
Fringle Frangle
Bangle Bom!
And there's more, my friend,
Where that came from !!

Spike Milligan ?

Comment is about A silly ditty... not by me! (blog)

Original item by mike booth

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Raj Ferds

Sat 14th Oct 2017 07:47

Thank you for you messages Wendy. They have universal appeal. I would add compassion to the list. Forgiveness, of course is the key.

Stay blessed.

Comment is about Just Try (blog)

Original item by Wendy Higson

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kJ Walker

Sat 14th Oct 2017 07:42

Lovely sentiments Wendy. Personally I'd drop the last sentence because to me it didn't add anything.
I know that you struggle with technology, so this isn't a criticism, but if you split your lines up it would read better.
As with all you write about protecting children, there is a good meaningful message here.

Cheers Kevin

Comment is about Just Try (blog)

Original item by Wendy Higson

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Chris Hubbard

Sat 14th Oct 2017 07:27

Thank you David.

This poem is from my formative poetical years, and seems now a little over-done. Even so, it reflects my abiding interest in all things 'nuclear'.
I agree that we are all entering a dangerous time. For some reason, I still have faith in the power of logic and rational decision-making in those who carve out the future.


Comment is about Oppenheimer (blog)

Original item by Chris Hubbard

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David Taylor-Jones

Sat 14th Oct 2017 07:21

Seems like you've tuned in to this morning's pain with your usual accuracy, very powerful scattering of images, thank you

Comment is about Ice (blog)

Original item by MyDystopiA

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