Hope (Remove filter)
Haiku For 2025 [No 1 Capall na beatha an grá]
The Irish proverb:
Capall na beatha an grá,
/koh-pul nuh baa-ha un gra/
literally means Love is the horse of life:
the English equivalent is Love makes the world go round.
it’s an example of the historical importance of the horse in Irish life.
Love’s revolution,
Capall na beatha a...
Saturday 28th December 2024 2:56 pm
The Girl Who Sold The Stars
Beneath the aching winter’s shroud,
A child walked mute through the bustling crowd.
Her feet, bare whispers on the frozen stone,
Her ribs a harp of hunger’s tone.
She carried a box, her treasure, her thread
Of tiny star-sticks, sulfur-fed.
She called to the rich, the hurried, the gray,
“Buy one, kind sir, and light your way.”
But no one paused, no coin was tossed,
...Wednesday 25th December 2024 9:27 am
is the
reason for
the season? Why
do we celebrate
the date a child was born?
Perhaps... as a reminder
We have a chance for redemption
If we open our hearts to believe.
(Click Read/Comment to get Christmas tree effect)
Saturday 14th December 2024 9:01 pm
Southern Lights
The lights you seek are not these ones, these are mine
I shall explain more in time
As I have searched far and wide
Yet these are the most beaufitul I find
Unique, like tears in the snow
I share these lights with the Emporer, Leopard and Crabeater
With an hour of sunlight, there's nothing more sweeter
Than to sit and watch the carnival of light above
On my own, as the ...
Friday 6th December 2024 3:17 pm
The Maple of Alesund
The wind bites at the death of hope
Beautiful mountains stare from the distance waiting
A town scarred from a fire lingering in mind
As the silence quells the last of hope
Soldiers, guns and tanks roll through
Seeking opposition on a path straight through
Fortifications find footing, scarring the beauty of those hills
Where evil lurks and killing is a thrill
In am...
Friday 6th December 2024 3:03 pm
My friend and I have just been reduced to tears by this scene in a video.
A charming girl of three years old,
makes a beautiful request,
a scene of wonder then unfolds,
in which the world by her’s then blessed,
‘please can you play Imagine’;
how like a nightingale she sings
with words of charity, compassion,
hope to a suffering world she brings.
The world and I beh...
Wednesday 27th November 2024 2:38 pm
Alone In A Crowded Stream
The driftwood floats,
Down toward the rocky slopes,
Without a care in the world.
"I can't be bothered by those jagged rocks now,
In this cool water where I enjoy my ride,"
"Besides, there's still time to turn this around,
If I could just go against the tide."
"What a life this is being driftwood,
Where I go next is anybody's guess."
So I smile like nothing's the matter,
...Tuesday 26th November 2024 9:59 pm
Why not
Why should I hold myself back ?
Why should I talk less ?
Why not colour my life like a flower,
Why not move on like moving water in the shower,
Why not I dye myself like scattered leaves,
Why not I leave behind all my grieves.
Saturday 23rd November 2024 5:38 pm
Life in Smallville
The wind blows through the palm trees
like someone passing by without a sound,
but leaves the trace of its presence
in the song of the birds.
The sun is already low,
and the earth, warm, breathes slowly.
Each step is a reminder
that time is a road that doesn't turn back.
Life is made of small gestures:
the worker’s embrace,
the child's smile,
the gaze of the woman who makes a home a...
Tuesday 19th November 2024 4:56 am
Say it out
Wednesday 13th November 2024 6:48 pm
The Breaking Point: The Silent Decent
This poem tries to capture the pain of watching a friend succumb to addiction, bound to a destructive habit that erodes both health and hope. As one friend struggles with the limits of friendship and "agape", the other slips further and further away, lost in a cycle that breaks promises and bodies alike. This poem hopefully serves as both plea and ultimatum—a haunting look at the cost of holding o...
Wednesday 13th November 2024 4:47 pm
Let Roses Rain...
For me, there should be roses raining,
A sky of wonders, never waning.
The world should twist, turn on its head,
And all its worries left unsaid.
At sixteen, I dreamt with quiet fire,
To reach the heights, to never tire.
To claim my place, to stand my ground,
With every voice, I’d make a sound.
And later, I longed for something grand,
To see the world, to understand.
Not lo...
Saturday 9th November 2024 4:02 pm
Rain Check
You got alot of nerve, stirring up mess
Churning emotions til they fester and burn
Wrecking havoc, thriving in your habitual habit
Unconcerned with the environment, leaving it in misalignment
Antagonized by your exasperation
Declared our common enemy out of correlation
To fan out the flames of your generation
Sunday 27th October 2024 5:13 pm
Battle for Life
I stand before the threshold
Of the dire circumstantial area,
Where the scent of curable drugs
Gives me a feeling of nausea.
The long white corridor giving
Room to sick and sickened patients,
Simultaneously tests the patience
Of related hearts living in suspence.
While the projected monitor-beeps
Fail to needfully and steadily beat,
Death nearly arrives a...
Saturday 19th October 2024 8:39 am
Never falter from your dreams
Nor dream to falter
Never hope to live no-more
But live to hope for evermore
Never chase your own despair
Let despair chase after you
Never doubt the strength you hold
Let strength leave doubt out in the cold
Never fight when you can talk
Let talk win the fight for you
Never call for hate when understanding is needed
Thursday 17th October 2024 8:00 pm
Growing up i watched a plethora of superheroes,
And i was in awe at all of them,
Wonderwoman with her whip,
Spiderman with his webs,
Superman with his flight,
Not to forget the ethereal mermaids.
With everyday that passed,
I hoped and anticipated,
Prayed, yearned and cried,
that, I too, might be blessed with a superpower-
Something that would make me unique
Tuesday 15th October 2024 4:42 pm
Cuttings [song version]
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,
On a cold and frosty morning morning.
They took a sprig from Hatfeild Hall
And planted it in Wakefield Gaol
A Mulberry bush grew on the spot
Its humble origins forgot
And there female prisoners exercised at night
Beneath the pale Yorkshire...
Thursday 3rd October 2024 12:17 pm
Flowers of Misfortune
In the silence that resonates,
a lament of absences,
the flowers bloom in the shadows,
whispers of a life that fades away.
Eyes searching the horizon
for a trace of hope,
but pain, like a poem,
is sculpted in the words of the day.
The city is a labyrinth of steps
that reflects solitude at every corner -
laughter dissolves in the wind
like falling petals,
disguised in the chaos.
Saturday 28th September 2024 3:35 am
My reflection doesn’t tell my story yet I still feel as though it defines me
When I look,
I see my flaws
I see mistakes
I see problems
Looking at others I see so much beauty
They have the perfect clothes
Perfect hair
Perfect face
Perfect body
Maybe it’s just a facade but it seems so real
Pushed on me is the pe...
Wednesday 11th September 2024 8:07 pm
Conversations with the Divine
In the hush of night, I speak to You,
My heart is heavy, my faith unsure,
I’m young, on the brink of my prime,
Yet time seems to slip, like grains of sand.
I ache, Lord, in this restless quest,
Trying to believe, though I’m oppressed,
Do I continue in this weary chase,
Or is it just a lost, empty race?
I see others, their paths seem clear,
While I stumble, gripped by fea...
Wednesday 28th August 2024 12:41 pm
Pain Relief
When will it go away?
The pain in my chest
Pain in my stomach
It’s repetitive and never stops
It creeps up on me like bugs
Stings like a wasp
Bites like a mosquito
And leaves, taking a small part of me
Some say it’s a part of life
Maybe I don’t want that
If this is life
Maybe I don’t want any p...
Saturday 24th August 2024 7:00 pm
I Will Return
Into the translucent silence,
above the heartbeat of the stars
and the flight of the seagulls,
I will return with the gentle sky
Like the breeze that ruffles the forest
or the moon that peeks through the night,
and no matter how autumn dies there will always be a spring,
in the same way I will return
On the thought that crosses time
and lives on from its balconies,
like the pollen ...
Monday 19th August 2024 5:50 pm
La pureté de l'éternel éphémère
Il y a des moments dans la vie
Qu'on ne risque pas d'oublier
Des moments incroyables
Qu'on aimerait recréer
Comme le moment précis
Quand je t'ai vu pour la première fois
Une simple rencontre
Que m'a rempli de joie
Je marchais dans la rue
Quand on s'est croisés
Et dans ce moment précis
Le temps s'est arrêté
Le bruit autour de nous
S'est soudain...
Wednesday 10th July 2024 9:37 pm
For You, Wherever You Are
It was on my first of many elevator rides
up from the basement floor
I met a woman with short, red hair and a leather jacket,
who I only ever saw
just this once.
I don’t know whether I ever responded
when she spoke to me
or to God
or to the elevator door
three years ago, now,
they had given her six months to live.
three ye...
Saturday 16th March 2024 2:21 am
You can learn a lot about yourself in the dark..
The things that once terrified you no longer appear so large
and that flame that you had to light for yourself
will guide you to places that you didn't know existed
Thank yourself that you persisted
You lit that fire in the damp, in the cold
You nurtured it as it turned from a flicker to nothing but coal
Really, thank yourself for n...
Saturday 10th February 2024 4:51 pm
Change is the most natural part of life
The summer cannot last forever
I have learned simply to never say never
I change my mind
Perspectives and feelings move with time
Nothing is certain
Before you know it, it is Autumn
and your leaves are turning into shades of gold
To begin something new you must let go of the old
It is okay to fall
Winter may be harder and it wi...
Friday 9th February 2024 8:24 am
You are an artist
You are an artist
Every morning as your eyes open up
you reach for your paintbrush
You are the canvas
and your actions are the splatters
Inspired by your dreams
and all to you that matters
You bring to life the beauty that you think
Transforming the formless into reality
your desires turn to ink
Do not downplay the smaller things you do
as every single brushstro...
Thursday 8th February 2024 8:27 pm
To Find Some Meaning
I often think about the past.
Had it been too slow or too fast?
Then I ponder on what might have been.
What I might have done and might have seen.
I think about all the times I've wasted,
And how I took for granted the things I tasted.
Where am I going? What am I doing?
What became of the life I had once been viewing?
Now all I see is a fog so dense
That in this life I can find no sen...
Saturday 27th January 2024 5:06 pm
Our Journey
Let's escape our separate towns together,
Away from prying eyes,
Where no one knows our faces yet,
And our love needs no disguise.
Let's camp out in the world together,
And I'll hold you through the night,
With your head upon my shoulder,
We sit watching stars burn bright.
We'll laugh and smile discussing hopes and dreams,
And make known all of our desires,
Wednesday 24th January 2024 8:39 pm
It's OK?
I can't hear the telly
for your bubbling belly!
Stop being horrible! You know I get IBS
Aye, Irritating Belly Sounds!
I laughed
She didn't
Her cheeks glazed with cherry red
But, also, the weight loss?
And, you need to eat more!
You're like a mouse lately.
Eeek, eeek, She mimics (badly)
She turns, cups my face in her hands,
kisses me
But, there's...
Wednesday 17th January 2024 5:45 pm
Grinding to a Halt
If your mind becomes imprisoned,
And the whole world now seems strange,
And the things you once enjoyed
Now no longer make a change.
If your life now has no reason,
And you just exist from day to day,
Just drifting between each moment,
And it doesn't help what others say.
No matter where you may be -
Whether in the country or the city,
All your interests may have dissolved,
And you ...
Sunday 14th January 2024 12:18 pm
The Human Dome
I travel across this phenomenal path, a path that trails me to justice, a path that unites me with the lofty dome of the human establishment. From these broken shattered glasses of the dome, I gaze upon the increasing influence of insecurities among these humans. One of the sides of this dome had an air of fear and vengeance while the other parts here repres...
Friday 5th January 2024 12:44 pm
Recent Comments
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