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I Will Return

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Into the translucent silence,
above the heartbeat of the stars
and the flight of the seagulls,
I will return with the gentle sky 

Like the breeze that ruffles the forest
or the moon that peeks through the night, 
and no matter how autumn dies 
there will always be a spring,
in the same way I will return

On the thought that crosses time
and lives on from its balconies,
like the pollen of a flower,
so will I return

Everything crumbles and turns to dust, 
It corrupts and sinks, 
separates and falls apart,
leaning towards the undecided hours
while the night falls in the shell of a silent and generous pearl..,
and yet in spite of everything,
I shall return.




◄ Everything Flees and Returns

Weaving a new world ►


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