The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

You are an artist

entry picture

You are an artist

Every morning as your eyes open up
you reach for your paintbrush 

You are the canvas 
and your actions are the splatters
Inspired by your dreams 
and all to you that matters 

You bring to life the beauty that you think
Transforming the formless into reality
your desires turn to ink

Do not downplay the smaller things you do
as every single brushstroke 
adds a little something new 

Another layer upon infinite depth
Even all of the failures
oh, they add strength 

You dance and wade around 
within the spectrum of coulours 
As your soul yearns and loves 
learns and discovers 

So magnificent 
the shapes of fear and laughter 
Hues and tones of joy and disaster 

all amalgamated into one 
The most wonderful part is that this painting 
will never be quite done

Simultaneously unfinished and complete
I ask that you will never be discreet
You are a whole artwork
And still in the making 

How can you not find this exhilarating 
So be bold and fierce 
for it is you that you are creating 

Every now and then, step away 
Be proud
For what you percieve stands you apart 
from the crowd 

Look in awe at all of the shades of blue 
and rejoice in each and every brushstroke 
that makes you


Robyn Holmes 

thoughts from the cocoon




I think about you ►


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