The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

happiness (Remove filter)

A Dim Afterparty

A Dim Afterparty

Thou shall never know if words could ever suffice

Nor should the laws of nature bound the mind to the earth

For we exist as long as the fade of eternal light

Brings a dimming to the afterparty as we find it cannot always be night


And though our hands feel our knees and our locked chests

Some can see clearly yet roam in the subconscious dark depths

In a ...

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I love to feel contentment.
It always gives me satisfaction.
It comforts and relaxes,
And is a beautiful distraction.

It makes me warm and cozy.
It gives me a definite direction.
And whatever I may be doing,
I shall keep a sweet reflection.

Wherever that I may be,
I hope it shall stay forever.
To cherish and to hold it,
And to let it go - I do say: never.

I then believe the world...

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Stuart VannerContentmentHappinessHopepleasure

Rain, I love this day!!⛈☔

Rain in itself is an emotion.

For some emotion of love and romance,

for others emotion of sadness by chance,

but for me, it's an emotion of calmness, I stance.


In those time of rain, 

electricity goes away,

cold winds began to slay.

Forcing me to say;

I love this day.


In those times of rain,

days seem to be dull

but the breeze acts as a pull.

Plants be...

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Beds, Hearts and Books

In these surprising years beyond expiry
forty and not failing
the journey remains largely painless
and brightly lit
wrapped up in love
in beds
hearts and books

Pull this feeling tight around me
another year of moving on
from all that didn’t seem to fit
closer to who I want to be
tangled up in love
in beds
hearts and books

All these lines, I can’t help but keep weaving
on the loo...

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happinessturning forty

The Watchers

they walk amid us like ghosts

looking not unlike you or me

wraiths without any identity

pursuing what can never be


lives spent seeking a quarry

elusive as a mountain puma

at the mercy of the elements

where joy is a mere rumour


should you subsist as they do

you'll not find peace or hope

never knowing who you are

means a mortal fight to cope


for if ...

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happinessoutsidersprison barssense of selfwatchers

A War To Be Won

Happiness is victory
Though I won't win every battle
I will win the war.


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happinessmeditationshort poemvictorywar


We are at peace
when we stop wanting
We are happy
when we accept ourselves

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought we should be trying
to achieve anything else.

No doubt
there are many people hurting
And we hear about
many people getting hurt

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought life had a purpose
to struggle for.

Or is it life
can't contain true peace and happiness
Or not unles...

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meditationinner peacehappinessself-acceptancepurposepeace

Some day

Some day you gonna say,  some day you gonna stop
Some day the world will listen,  some day they gonna stop
Its better to look in bright, so it make you shine
Mix all ingredients of guide, So that it tastes like wine
Follow your heart,  follow your dream
Follow your happiness which makes people scream.

Some day you gonna say,  some day you gonna stop
Some day the world will liste...

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No Reason To Sigh

And so what if I'm empty inside!
Happiness still has a place here
There's certainly plenty of space here
for Joy to reside
That's what, if I'm empty inside.

And so what if I've nothing to lose!
With little worth keeping
There's more time for sleeping
Or whatever I choose
That's what if I've nothing to lose.

And so what if I've nothing to gain!
That's hardly an onus
Seems more like ...

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My Home

I was destined to meet you,

And yet I had no clue.

You were the missing part to my smile,

The one who would walk with me, the length of The Nile.

With you I found my inner peace and joy,

The true love that no power will destroy.

Together I want to travel the roads to Rome,

And forever make you my home... 

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The Key to the Lock

A little poem inspired by the all the positive aspects i discovered over the last year in lockdown. 


As I walked past the empty gym,

My thoughts began to swim.

I wondered what now? Where will I find my escape?

Lost in thought, I continued down the cityscape.


I listened intently,

As the winds blew gently.


The outside air called for adventure,

A need for wander...

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Happinessself lovedaily exercisejoyful

What Lies Beyond Truth?

Today's blog is a poem (well, two poems actually) where there are two versions of the poem and I have not yet been able to settle my feelings about which version 'wins'. I feel like there should stay two versions of it.


Version 1 – Personal

If Life will be what it has to be,
And Death will come when it comes,
And all the moments that I breathe
Happiness still is mine to give myself...

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'I'm fine'

There is a river that runs through me

But I can’t see its colours shine so brightly

I keep them all so confidential

And all of the breakdowns so existential

‘Going mental’, the mind’s so fragile


Can’t it be easy like it was when we were kids?

You grow up, some days stare into the abyss

But there is nothing like true happiness

You must hold on to happiness


When ...

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Whatever You Do

If you don't like it how it is
Stop complaining.

Stop praying, start living
Stop hoarding, start giving
Stop wanting, start enjoying
Stop waiting, start playing
Stop asking, start finding
Start hoping, stop minding

Stop whatever you are doing
Start changing

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changecharityhappinesshopemeditationpositivityshort poem

Nature's Hug


Humming along with the breeze
La la-la-la
Singing a song with the birds in the trees
Oh Oh-Oh-Oh
Floating along with the clouds
Ahh Ah-Ah-Ah
Feeling peaceful now.

Oooo Ooo-Ooo-Ooo
Seeing the beautiful sky
Tra la-la-la
Watching the birds as they fly by

Happiness is as easy as this
Nature’s hug, Nature’s kiss.
All, all of life, as easy as this.

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happinessmeditationnaturepeaceSEND parentsong

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