The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

glam rock (Remove filter)

Glam Rock Man

Glam Rock Man


A stack heeled stomp in platform boots

Trowelled make-up and glitter suits

Feather cut hair and tinted roots

It’s Glam Rock, man,
it’s Glam Rock


Teenage Rampage, Ballroom Blitz,

Radio One plays all The Hits

Driving your dad out of his wits

It’s Glam Rock, man,
it’s Glam Rock


Jackie, Smash, Disco Forty Five

What a great time to be alive


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napowrimo2020day 15glam rockmusicseventieschildhood

Sunset on sleaze

If Elvis could of only seen you all -

dancing like peacocks, you're most profound

birds of paradise, extravagant and tall.

Discotheque platforms and ballroom blitz,

topping the charts way back in the seventies,

with pouts and glitz.

Aces up your sleeves,

while some of you later became sex romantics,

sluts and glamour queens -rock gypsy drag,

as you drew heavily on that f...

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glam rockpunk rockrock musicrolling stonessleazeT-Rex

Children Of The Glamned (Resurrection Shuffle)

Children Of The Glamned (Resurrection Shuffle)

We found out all we knew about sex
in Youth Clubs and the disco-teques
grinding slowly to T-Rex
pumping from the Teac decks
then with Pans People our flames were fanned
we were the children of the glamned.

A thousand miles we’d gladly travel
for Noddy Holder’s voice of gravel
then watch our hopes and dreams unravel
in brief encounters wi...

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BARD COMPANYglamglam rockpopretroseventiessweet




a bald old man

in glitter suits

gets vertigo

on platform boots

his cigar smoke

hangs in the air

whilst outraged fathers

simply stare

and comment on

the raging poof

who hangs precariously

from the roof

or unnoticed

passes by

in the background

on the sly

his black mascara

and red nails

his pouting preening

never fails

to s...

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childhoodglamglam rockglitterrocksavillescandalseventiestainted

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