The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I'll chew my words
Mince them into a soft sponge 
Cleanse the red rage of pique
Return them eclair

I'll find my feet
Rotate along the axes
Slice through the ladder of fatigue
Meet at the Summit where the points meet

I'll get my spark
Learn to sharpen my bow
Steer the ship with my intuition
Brainstorm ideas for my arrow

I'll locate my voice
Journal the sea of musings in lead

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Losing to Win

I lost you the moment I won you,
Coz you are not ME,
You belong to yourself,
You think like yourself,
You speak like yourself,
You sing like yourself,
You dance like yourself,
You laugh like yourself,
You cry like yourself,
You live for yourself…
You are not mine…
For me, it’s fine…
Coz I love to stay with you,
Battle of opinions, I love to play with you…
Why twinning every time?

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