family (Remove filter)
A Ghost Of Christmas Past
Granda's slouched
In his fave comfy chair
A Christmas cracker party hat
Hides his four strands of hair
His wife always said:
'Get the buggers cut!'
But he wasn't quite ready
To be a total baldy nut!
He wishes she was here now
Nagging at full pelt:
'If ye eat or drink one more thing,
yer gonna burst your belt!'
And Sophie's eyes sparkle
Friday 11th December 2020 2:22 pm
Coastal Wanderers
in the blaze of the summer heat, drips
of sweat rippled down our smooth skin backs.
we set out for adventure along the Pacific coast,
the four of us squeezed in a compact sedan.
sisters laughing, shouting, nowhere else to be.
engaging winding hair-pin turns, honking,
speeding, and slamming on the brakes
as the afternoon sun scorched the town.
we reveled ...
Tuesday 3rd November 2020 5:42 pm
What is this dark energy
cloaking the universe
threatening to consume me,
wrap me in a weighted blanket
of silent abyss.
Some days I’m tempted
to dive into the black hole,
see what all the fuss is about,
but I know if I do, I will take
a generation or two of
fragile minds with me.
Weakness is not my legacy.
I have to stay strong,
be my family’s guiding li...
Tuesday 27th October 2020 4:39 am
Brothers of sand
Holding signs, I am a man
Daughters of dust
Holding signs life in her gut
Fathers of the past
Never thought how long this would last
Mothers of the movement
Never thought so many forget their commitments.
Brothers of man
Fictional to control and command
Daughters of woman
Subjected to the desire of lust
Fathers of the future
Thursday 10th September 2020 5:56 pm
Sunday Morning Thought
I have been
Death has held me
Life has killed me
But you still think
You have the right
To give me advice
As if you’re above me
If you let me speak
You might learn
Sunday 30th August 2020 10:38 am
A new Family
When I walked through the path,
Alone in the moonlight stars.
I found a stranger wearing smile,
Didn't know the feelings behind
Walked with her and saw a different world
'There I got a new family' - I loved
Didn't know we could get so close
That my life could be disastrous if we broke.
Hiding the feelings behind and faking the smile they left.
Hope of meeting again is the only thing they ...
Tuesday 7th July 2020 8:04 pm
The things that must be done
Encouraged by comments on my latest blog - and reminded that I always intend to post my blogs on WOL and usually get distracted before doing so - I'm repeating a blog from a few weeks ago which I didn't post here. With thanks to those who commented on the last one!
I've been thinking about what happens next. There's been a lot of talk in the press, and shared posts on social media, about t...
Saturday 4th July 2020 12:39 pm
The Last Goodbye
Resting his knee,
he holds his face
to bury his sobs
as she is laid to rest
We hold hands
as I gently squeeze
knowing too well
this may be our last embrace
Feeling his warmth,
his mighty strong hands,
he held us together
when she left this land
It’s only one slip away
before you’re gone too soon
On the drive home,
our last goodbye became true
Thursday 25th June 2020 4:16 am
The Recipe of Solitude
I embellish my arms with bangles
As thick as two strands of hair.
Their raucous cackles
Suffuse the tepid air.
Air that's fragrant with spices
I add to my copper pots.
Air whose redolence
Reminds me of what I've lost.
The dough that I mould
Sans a scintilla of strain,
Boasts imprints of my knuckles manifold,
Knuckles on which those kisses still linger, ...
Monday 15th June 2020 9:43 am
The Raging Heart
The very machine that gives life
could easily take mine away
The piercing from exhaustion
punctures my living, my breathing
Every bodily function is affected
as I reach my hand towards the pulsing and thumping
racing through my chest
I don’t want this to be how I end
I can’t let my kids see their mother this way
I hold on tight to life as I feel my chest tightening
I sit,
I br...
Tuesday 26th May 2020 5:05 am
We Are Gathered Here Together
He orders black coffee,
soup and salad,
steak and potatoes
before his apple pie dessert
at buffets on the other side of town
A routine meal
that would years later
be remembered
as his reward
Dad loves on his Alaskan crab legs
with a side of melted butter
While Mom orders chicken
at a seafood restaurant
She doesn’t offer to pay
while Auntie tells ...
Thursday 7th May 2020 7:17 pm
Meeting in Solitude
Minds meeting
words spoken
stories shared
world is hushed
but inside we are all screaming
waiting for the tomorrows
when our meetings will be filled with embraces,
with kisses,
with reading a silent stare
and we will know what they mean
not just from a frozen screen
but for a reflection of all time
We are all waiting for the tomorrows
we will no longer meet in solitude
but a meetin...
Friday 1st May 2020 5:11 pm
I know what time it is
I know what time it is
A new wall-clock’s
Hands move ever so slowly
As the hour passes quickly by
Mesmerizing my attention
Each life choice seems small
Each breath almost effortless
Until hindsight enlarges
Magnifying the moments
Of our lives – highlighting the times
When we held our breath
Life is long
Even when time is short
Seconds slow
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 4:13 pm
In the midst of a pandemic
Your biggest concern happens to be
My weight
And yet the bliss of the pandemic
Was not having to hear you
The deadweight
I was wondering when your time would come
To be quite honest I was surprised
You are a little late
Here's your rescinded wedding invitation
Not that we planned it to your taste
It's on this perfectly whit...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 1:11 am
Nightly Routine
Late at night
Lying in bed
Headphones on
Listening to music
Or a few recorded poems
Reading the latest
I attempt to craft a new one
Or brush up a draft not quite finished
It’s becoming routine
I’ve always been
An undercover poet
Now I’m sharing my words
With my family’s support as an added bonus
Shared are the happenings,
The disappointments,
The contests never won,
Saturday 4th April 2020 5:41 pm
My Old Sweetheart
Many years ago I met a lovely girl.
She was fun to talk with about most anything
We walked through woods
and climbed some hills together,
She made lunch for picnics that we shared.
We walked on beaches, felt the crunch
of wet sand underfoot,
listened to seagulls and ocean waves,
and felt the caress of sea breezes.
We gathered shells with no place to keep them.
We were caught i...
Monday 30th March 2020 1:19 pm
Little Baby
Watching you grow
brings joy to our eyes
You’ve got your Daddy
to make you smile
and your Mama
to hold you tight
while you sleep at night
we'll make everything alright
First a crawl, walk, then run
O, to watch you grow is so much fun
From your first skinned knee
a little kiss will make you believe
we’ll be right here whenever you need
Years will pass
but this love will al...
Wednesday 4th March 2020 4:11 am
There Isn't A Need
Bandages constantly being placed,
Straight onto those voids that were caused
By someone who had no right to harm.
Wrap, tape, cry.
That's your pattern each night, isn't it?
When you weep because of your craving for love.
You do not understand it yet
But you do not require this person in your life.
Yesterday's emotions need to be wiped clean.
We are the uni...
Tuesday 11th February 2020 7:02 pm
Why I Can't Tell You I Love You
you cannot shut the whole world off as
and when you please.
i was fifteen
my mother, forty-five, fighting
an incessant war with my headphones.
fewer words,
our days were outlined more with
slammed doors and dour glares,
conversations prisoned behind the fear
of exposing the soft-
ness in the way our hearts beat
or pumped blood
or ruptured
to spill over that much love. our hands
Tuesday 11th February 2020 4:53 am
Boots 3
On the cold winters morning thermal boots are pulled on
The radio announced…ground frost and the promise of snow later in the day
And yet she is happy…
Happy because she is doing what she loves
The market is freezing in December
Icy winds blow and there is no sunlight to warm frozen hands
It’s the people you see
Fellow workers on the market, pleased to see her
Customers sto...
Tuesday 4th February 2020 10:57 am
eating off the floor momma aint got no plates
she shield me from the world full of crime and full of hate
all of the world going on outside my window, i got a little curious
fell in love with the danger and it made my momma furious
she stopped paying attention
told me her warning was already mentioned
i went on because i no longer felt the love
the streets gave me more affecti...
Wednesday 15th January 2020 10:40 am
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