Love (Remove filter)
My Old Sweetheart
Many years ago I met a lovely girl.
She was fun to talk with about most anything
We walked through woods
and climbed some hills together,
She made lunch for picnics that we shared.
We walked on beaches, felt the crunch
of wet sand underfoot,
listened to seagulls and ocean waves,
and felt the caress of sea breezes.
We gathered shells with no place to keep them.
We were caught i...
Monday 30th March 2020 1:19 pm
Love Letter to a Stranger
~You're the feeling that makes my heart melt into a caramel abyss
I can taste the sweet demise you subject me to on the tip of my tongue
This sugary concoction flows out of your soul and seemingly by magic, or maybe alchemy, transforms into the feathers that come together like wings to lift me up beyond the natural heights of my masculine flesh
Bringing out the fleshly, carnal desires of my sou...
Thursday 26th March 2020 6:39 am
How Can I Tell You
How can I tell you that I love you?
I've said the words so many times; it's old hat to you.
I could quote Browning's poem of how she loved.
I'd say it's mine and mean every metaphor,
but you'd know she wrote it and you'd quote it.
I can write love poems just for you,
and every word I write is true,
though I'm not adept with metaphors
and don't use fancy words.
I can bring valentine...
Tuesday 24th March 2020 1:17 pm
Untouched but not Unfelt
Untouched but not Unfelt
Spent years like a husk
now life is kindling again,
purifying from pain
and pleasantly plentiful
at present.
The cage of the State
is nothing,
for I traversed the labyrinth of my own mind
and survived.
So I shall recognise shackles
as a concept,
but be mindful of surrendering control.
Isolate from crowds but not from feelings,
not from unde...
Sunday 22nd March 2020 9:08 pm
The sun is out but I have to stay in. A black pen and a white piece of paper await my creative side to begin. There is no noise here inside my house.
I sit still while the chaos continues outside. I lift the black pen and I start to write. My body is calm and these four walls have been my safe space.
I have heat, clean water and fresh food in this place. This place I call, my home. How luc...
Saturday 21st March 2020 1:01 pm
Shall We Dance
Ah, the magic of night
when obligations are over,
another adulting day in the books.
I rest my weary body,
set my boggled mind free
with a little poetry...
Your words await
like a teen with a corsage
to take me to the prom,
where we twist and twirl
under twinkling dollar store stars
and a paper moon.
Happy memories pop up
among technicolor...
Saturday 21st March 2020 2:55 am
Tuning In
Can you hear me
on this crowded
Is the earth turning
to quicksand
beneath your feet?
Let poetic music
drown the chaos,
set your spirit free.
No more worries.
Only peace,
love, harmony...
Friday 20th March 2020 7:07 pm
Lucid Dreams
I want to sleep, so I can dream.
Dreaming makes the pain go away,
weakens my prison walls,
so you can rescue me.
I feel your warm breath on my face,
your loving embrace...
Hand-in-hand we run through the lush,
exotic island.
Our laughter echoes among the trees
as we look towards the horizon and
see eternity...
Dawn beckons me.
I don’t wa...
Friday 20th March 2020 12:54 am
Herd (Co)Mmunity
Stir crazy,
my mind’s hazy.
Penned in like chicken
that never lays...
e-mergency broadcasts
and a merging of powers.
When did we surrender control of the supply chain?
I hear vegans got beef
with carnies,
but you can’t get the show on an empty road.
Do we even know where our food is grown?
Butcher, cheesemonger, greengrocer, and farmer...
were stripped from our com...
Thursday 19th March 2020 5:11 pm
When I’m Gone
Will you miss me
when I’m gone?
When there are
no more words
to greet you
with the rising sun.
Will you still connect
to this energy
that reaches across
space and time,
the same infinite love
that powers the moon,
Saturday 14th March 2020 3:43 am
The Haunting
Is it better to have a love lost
Not knowing about the other side
To have a deep hole in your heart
To keep what was lost in the past
And always wonder ‘what if’
Or to have it come back,
Haunt you
And realize it was true
Always has been
And he’s thinking of you, too
With thousands of miles away
You both have commitments
There’s no future
Only the p...
Friday 13th March 2020 9:35 pm
She has no scars.
She needs no wings.
She bleeds like an angel crying for her sins.
She weeps for her feelings and loses them in the rain.
She’s dead in the morning until she drinks the golden liquid that can leave a nasty stain.
She waits, she commands, she’s ready with her plan.
She delivers new children into the world without a helping hand.
We stand and stare and wonder how they can...
Friday 13th March 2020 9:10 am
...The Free Verse...
Controversy is the tongue of snakes...
If tonight they make my hair raise the dead. I should go walking with my fragments made whole, and explain myself without trial from hypocrites harboring my old ghosts.
Unjustified torments in disregard to whom I truly became after being shoveled. He loves me for this.
I can see them sideways.
Within me, I rise again.
And again and again.
...Wednesday 11th March 2020 3:27 am
What Really Matters
My heart has been calling
for something new.
Do you think
it would make a difference
if it's me or you
who makes this move?
This here is all that matters
Let it be that simple for once
Let’s spread love all around
Let’s take on the world unafraid
Nothing can stop us now
Just listen,
you'll hear me sing.
Don't worry,
leave your cares behind.
...Tuesday 10th March 2020 4:40 pm
Astral Breadth
A trestle table set with content and classical elements
places a coven with arenose intent in a safe space
their minds set on causing change—present occurences canvass Mandala by way of effect.
fascicle circuits blitz and singe might-have-beens
washing away strands emblazoned in ever apparentness
accommodating silver lining fringe wherein proper golden ratio leaves
their genus' plant matter ...
Monday 9th March 2020 4:15 pm
Loving Me
Your heart beats fast
You’re love is so strong
I can hear it like beating drums
You love me even though I’m broken
You love me even though I’m weak
You’re love is unconditional to me
I fall on my knees crying, yelling , “God why do you love me!”
The voice whispers back to me, “ Because you are beautiful because I made you as a part of me!”
The light shines bright
Sunday 8th March 2020 4:32 pm
Last night, through the window
Last Night, through the Window
Last night, through the window,
I heard a train;
But I am far from the railway.
Last night, through the window,
I heard a plane;
But I am far from the airport.
Last night, through the window,
I heard a bus;
But I am far from the road.
Last night, through the window,
I heard an owl;
But I am far from the woods.
...Sunday 8th March 2020 2:52 pm
Unmasking the Ego
On the outside...
Do not question anything I say or do.
Above all do not argue.
Keep all opinions, suggestions, ideas to yourself.
They mean nothing to me.
I know everything.
The more you retreat
and remain silent,
the stronger I feel.
Acknowledge me.
Respect me.
Worship me.
On the inside...
Wednesday 4th March 2020 9:33 pm
A Poet's Prayer
Lord, thank you
for this gift
of expression
through words.
Please help me
bless others
with the poems
I share.
Help me write
from a place
of compassion
rather than ego.
Let your
light shine
through my
life songs.
Help me project
the same
unconditional love
you give me.
Monday 2nd March 2020 2:00 pm
Living in the shadow
of someone else’s life
is a safe hiding place,
most of the time.
You get to observe,
no fear, no pain.
Fertile breeding ground
to create art, music, poetry...
Until the shadow turns around,
chases you down,
strips you naked in front of a
stone-casting society.
Do you stand erect
in the blinding light...
Sunday 1st March 2020 5:54 pm
Chalk-White Moonlight
An Arctic air
pushes past the cracking door
as we step out
into the newly forming night
with many friendly cheers
chasing us from the hall
The searing wind
grabs you by the ears
seconds abroad
and your bones will know the chill
in the chalk-white light
of this moon
Snow falls slowly
first on the cliffs above the lane
then these cobbles are scribbled out
under a virgin whiteness
Sunday 1st March 2020 12:23 pm
Another Love Poem
How many times does it cross your mind
Maybe a thousand times
I’d rather have you near
Than only have your poems reciting in my ear
Sure, they comfort me
But most days and nights I need you miserably
And those heartbreaking songs
They make me feel like we belong
Despite the truth of our existence
I wish to be in your presence
So here’s another love poem
Sunday 1st March 2020 5:27 am
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