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Me v The Moon

Nestled upon a pillow of cloud

The moon sat, big and fat

As I watched it from my garden

In a cul-de-sac


It didn't really do much

Just illuminate the sky

But, then I thought: that alone

Makes it a greater thing than I ! 


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The Soul of the Moon

I stole the soul of the moon,

Kept it unclothed to illume

Dark, deserted manor rooms 

And fireflies that forever loom 

Above fifty forsaken tombs.


I secured a piece for me,

Kept it between creases deep 

And verses of revered balladry 

Written on the tattered leaves 

Of my hands rickety.


But then came a shooting star,

Its hands stocked with bits of its hea...

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moonPoetryneonfriendtemporaryshooting star

A Nights Journey

Twinkling twilight of the night sky

Encased in your delicate stare

Holding love of two souls

Romance filling the air 

Rose petals falling slowly

Resting delicately at our feet

Wind blowing softly 

Red and white petals dancing in the street

Time stands still in those moments so dear 

A bright light shinning through the night

While a smile is cast upon your face


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The Moon in the Cloud

The Moon in the Cloud

Ujjal Mandal, India

Why is the moon hidden in the cloud? 
She has fallen in love, no doubt. 
I want to say aloud
I love you O dear!
My love I want to share;
I can't hold the heavy heart here.

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One More Moondance, My Love

Originally published in Clay Literary’s RAVEN:

A cool October evening presented itself in front of us, 
the full moon in the sky hovered above, and the tension 
between us lent itself to lyrics that resonated to every 

following Autumn. ‘Can I just have one more Moondance 
with you, my love?’ you sang as we walked arm in arm. I...

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Aren't We?

Blessed be the silver spoons
Which feed us till we’re replete.
Blessed be the dream-filled moons
Which oversee us with glee.
Ambitious, aren’t we?
The moons illume 
A thousand seas
And take us to 
Places and people unseen.
Vagabonds, aren’t we? 
We hold the power to love and seduce,
To ensnare and release
These people and places till insanity ensues,
Till blooming roses fuse into debr...

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Tenant of the Sea

He witnessed the rise and fall of the tides

Of the sea that seemed so milky in the moonlight.

Gloating over its graceful strides,

The rumble of the colossal sea was all he could hear that silent night.

The stars twinkled in the darkness,

And the moon in the blackness

Gazed dotingly at him and his boat,

As the decrepit carrier carted its master swiftly afloat.

How long...

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Can You Hear The Moon Sing At Night?

Can you hear the moon sing at night?
A distant melody from the most dulcet vocal pipes?
Have you ever nestled in her crescent bed
Like the kid in the DreamWorks emblem?
My winsome lady
Dotes on me.
Her visage,
Part amused, part exasperated.
For she knows why I've come to see her again--
To steal the roux from stars, milky and fulgent.
To hoard fragments of the night sky in my wooden ches...

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PoetryastronomycraterdiamondsexplosiongemsMoonnightrepressed memoriesstarsvolcano


When we are fast asleep...
In the world of dreams deep,
Do you descend on earth?
To see what kind of dreams we peep.

You don't seem to be an alien but
We often keep our brains shut.
With such a beautiful mind,
O Moon.Girl! That's a feeling from my gut.

We are mere idols of sand and dust
Without compassion but filled with greed n lust
The ripples run through our conscience

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moonyoung girlfairy

Ruler of fluids

Moon, silent ruler. 
Everything is drawn to you. 
Everything tells me
I belong to you. 
This piece of a stone, 
A small ball. 
But gravity pulls you
And you pull me
With magnetic ribbons.
Tonight my body is yours, 
Silver master
Of shadows and light. 

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Moonfluidsfull moongravitypullwomen

splendid resplendence

in your essence I sense resplendence
could do no wrong by me, your personably impressioned defendant
your honor is what I strive for
it's why the day turns to night, sun and moon argue back and forth
fight about what's wrong and who's right, tug of war
light bends but doesn't break, shines through the prism, and is perceived in different waves

I met you once but my memory is starting to fa...

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dayLovelove poemlove poemsmoonnaturepoempoemsspiritualspiritualitysun

Afraid Of the Dark

How many times must I rinse off the moon

And unpeel the stars from my skin?

Have someone ask what were you drinking?

How many times must I try clinging to lamp lights?

Try configuring keys into shining beacons?

I cannot see in the dark

Yes, blackouts steal my sight

But when finished,

I wake up feeling feverish

And fear ferments and festers

The night can be sticky


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raperape cultureexhaustedcopingdenialmental healthconfrontationstrugglegalaxystarsmoonmetaphorfearscarredtraumadrinkingissuesInternal

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