2016 (Remove filter)
Love’s presence 16
How I feel I can't find the words or ryhmes. Wouldn't be enough paper, wouldn't be enough lines. It started by means of nature and magical fate, a perfect time, an unforgettable date. You've taken my heart, my mind and my soul. Everything I knew and believed I've parted and let go .
I want it all, I want us to grow, I need to trust, I need to know. Your eyes take me to a content home of dream...
Tuesday 10th November 2020 10:06 pm
Inner Voices
"You aren't good enough"
"You're going to fail"
"You are useless"
"You are nothing"
"You're all alone"
Can't stand the murmurs
Hateful voices
Inside my head
Twisting the words of others into cruilty
Only the hurtful messages make their way through
Struggling to find the light
Hands only grasp at emptiness
Darkness creaps in
My voice is fading
Only their wo...
Tuesday 18th June 2019 6:27 pm
Time changes everything
Time nurtures a sprout to grow into a magnificent tree
Time rips apart our flesh until the earth can reclaim it
...Time heals wounds
...Time tortures souls
A small child broken into pieces hides behind a false face...
...each time the mask becomes cracked, another is placed upon it
Retreating into oneself
The outer layer, a strong beautiful woman
Sunday 16th June 2019 5:10 pm
It was formed from clay and strengthened by the fires of my life.
I was proud of it...
I was cautious with it...
I guarded it with everything that I am...
Until someone convinced me to give it to them.
They did not value it as I did
They were not careful
They should not have been trusted
Time and time again they would drop it...toss it aside...break it...
Each time leavi...
Thursday 13th June 2019 2:11 pm
Shadow Person
Watching humanity through an impenetrable shroud
Too far to hear their joys and sorrows
Too close to not yearn to accompany them in their fun
Everyone moves to their own tune
A song not meant for my ears
A wisthul hand reaches out in vain
Clenches nothing as the world moves just outside my grasp once again
Unable to tell if their eyes simply do not see me or if they choose not...
Wednesday 12th June 2019 2:34 am
Haiku #220
Close the door slowly
Be quiet as you’re leaving
And turn out the lights
Sunday 1st January 2017 6:10 pm
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