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At the foothills of vintage age
you feel perceptibly less somber
for there are only meager remains
of mostly forgotten days -
      little to smile, rue or cry for
and an amorphous
yet obligingly finite future -
      trifling to put together or fight for.

So dear Chandra:
here is a congratulation:
It must be awesome -
this imminent privilege of geriatrics
and this stolen bit of tran...

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freedomfutureold agepasttime


How they have fallen,
Laying thick,
Pressing the jostling grass
Under them.
Obliterating it from sight.
Their browns and yellows brighter
Than the grey above.
Achieving a moment of glory,
In death a dominance.
Looking up to freed branches
Framing veiled light,
Had they thought to fly,
Letting go their source of life?
How they have fallen!


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A Disease Called Power

I will begin by pointing out that this is not intended to be a partisan political statement, to offend or attack anyone in particular. I write and express what I feel and observe, as a simple citizen. I intend to declare my pain and astonishment seeing that my country is being systematically destroyed and its people humiliated and decimated. In the last 2 years nearly 4 million have emigrated, not...

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In this world are we all different

Or are we all the same?

Don't we all deserve to have respect

And the right to have a name?


Do we not all have feelings?

Do we not all breath the same air?

Don't we all enjoy the same weather

In this world that we all share?


Do we not all have the right to be safe

And the right to feel secure?

And should this all last just f...

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Stuart VannerEgalitarianismEqualityFairnessHopePeaceFreedom

Please don’t make yourself at home


I caught a star 

With my burning fist

And left my handprint on it

I crash-landed on the clouds 

I bounced back

Bounced back I

Shot a star with my mouth

I juggled Pluto

I breathed on Neptune

I grew a farm on Saturn

I named all the planets that

I was first to visit

Pierced them with flags of my face

Stamped them with my fingerprints

I was the fi...

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achievementambitioncomfort zoneconformitydreamexpectationfreedomhappinessimpossibleindividualinspirationLibertylimitlessmotivationpathpressuresuccesswish

Imprisoned or Prism

This poem is a response to Cynthia B.T's. polite polemic, Mind in a Cage.

I am grateful to her for having incited me to use my mind.

Imprisoned or Prism

Our mind is the eye

By which we see, or not, all worlds;

The humdrum, the yet to come,

The mathematical, the fantastical.

By which we perceive, or n...

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Wished I knew

Be with me if I got it all
Stay with me if I lose it all
Catch me if I fall
Be my rock so I can stand tall
Stay with me through the bad and good times
I promise you we gone get it together and ball
Don’t tell your friends our problems
People close be the ones that want you to fall
You just told me you love me
I know It’s not love it’s lust
You just glad you finally fucking me
You won’t ...

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Chasing wonders,
With a pen and a paper,
An empty sheet,
A piece of oblivion.


Staring blankly,
Eyes lost in the wilderness,
Once with a blink,
A whimper towards nothing.


Looking around,
Inside a four-cornered room,
Pastel purples,
In between the white curtains.


Running strokes on the paper,
A pen and ink,
Breaking the bars of this cage.

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Human Writes, A Poem About Protecting Human Rights

You spit "Nay"


in our "Ayes"


to express


your oppress-


sive nature.




Nothing new-


old tea brewed;


spring cleaning-


first inning.




Soul-less laws




human rights,


to sell slaves.




Bordered walls


paved with blood-


stained bodies,


buried below.


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freedomhuman rightslawswomens rights


Mortality stalks me 
like a jealous lover.

Breathlessly follows me
wherever I go, incessantly
banging a gong, 


it won't be long, 
come to me, let 
the pain end.

My eternal soul sees
this game of mortal gods 

and challenges me

to go where mortals
fear to tread...

Meditate in silent space
past the black hole,

beyond illness,
depression, despair

to that ...

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Weightless and free

Orbs of pure simplicity



Not a care

Aloft and riding on the air

Crystal clear


Spheres of rainbows 

And reflections


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If you become 
what you think about 
most of the time... 

I am becoming 
poetry, a lyrical 
fantasy floating 
in rhyme. 

I am becoming 
love and light,

Doing my best
to do what's right.

I am becoming 
and peace. 

Healing souls
like Wayne 
and Louise.  

I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.

Leaving a loving

I am becoming 



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lovelightlegacyhealingsoulsdestinypoetryfantasyrhymeGodfaithforgivenesspeacefreedomWayne DyerLouise Hay

Kings and Scribes

How easy it is to judge 

from the throne of 


How comforting to

cast off what 

doesn't fit our

moral code.

Perspective is 

colored by our own 

evolution and lingering 


The soul of a scribe

cannot help but 

share truths

that set spirits

free, no matter 

the cost of their 

own liberty. 

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Move On

Don't close your eyes
as you used to do
I am just remembering stuff
considering you.
All the welcomes are allready told,
perfect and round,
straight and unfold.
Stay the same as you are,
provoke the life in a same way
and if all the roses turns to ash
you stay yourself anyway.
Climb those mountains
as you climb your dreams,
don't step aside
it hurts...but it's all just a play.
So, d...

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time to move on poetrypoetryfreedomwriting walklife writingwriting poetry

Dream About Absolute Freedom

Doesn't always have to be right
dream about absolute freedom
fading boredom, breading soil
remember the world's silence
through the spark of the time
calm and sublime, calm and sublime
dream about wisdom?...No,
dream about absolute freedom.
Changing morbid statues
around the neck of the nature
spelling words, creating magic
fading moments hard to catch them,
leaving you in thoughts, le...

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poetrywritingwriting poetryfreedomcreative writing output

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