light (Remove filter)
I wrote this poem especially for you
If you are reading this now
This message for you
The Angel's they tell me you are going through changes
And although you and I are technically strangers
I know you have your struggles
And I'd like to take this moment to
melt away your troubles
I say these words from my soul
And my Tibetan singing bowl
The healing frequency sounds it makes..
Travels s...
Friday 20th December 2019 12:00 am
What Sits Behind Blue Eyes
You think me blind
That I don’t see the devil in your smile,
And the demons in your head.
The scars on your body,
And the stains on your heart
So, when I remind you of the empathy in your eyes
And the gentleness of your strong hands,
You feign silent exasperation at my “lack of sight”,
And what you call “misguided hopeful belief”
As such you put it upon yoursel...
Tuesday 10th December 2019 9:59 pm
My essay will be finished once the seventh seal breaks and the angles get their trumpets or whatever
Does silence disprove existence,
or does it just mean that someone's not interested.
Living our lives,
guided by the light,
and blinded by the sound that's not present.
Lives filled with love,
love for the waves,
bird songs pushed to the direction where the wind blows.
Even the grass is singing it's story of growth.
Hearing nothingness,
when you open your mouth,
the loud silence t...
Monday 2nd December 2019 8:27 pm
What is Poetry?
Poetry is my
drug of choice,
calming rain,
rays of sunshine.
an antidote
to suffering,
waltzing words
on lonely nights,
my lost lover
in my ear,
of fear,
wind beneath
birds in flight,
Sunday 3rd November 2019 12:39 pm
And one day,
the sun stopped,
the rain stopped falling,
the flowers didn't look high,
the sky emptied of stars,
then a tear dripped
from the heart and became our breath.
We need a sacred tear,
before the fall...
Tuesday 17th September 2019 8:18 pm
Silent Light
Hello silence, my old friend.
It's good to embrace you
once again.
No flashing phones.
No clashing tones.
No distracting memes.
No broken dreams.
Just breathing in gratitude,
marinating the moment,
exhaling ego,
connecting to the prophet within.
Listening, learning, loving,
by the naked light you bring.
# # #
Image by Gerd Altmann...
Sunday 15th September 2019 11:48 pm
Where is the magic?
We all start out knowing magic.
We are born with hurricanes and whirlwinds,
oceans and galaxies inside us.
We are able to sing to birds and read the clouds
and see the destiny in grains of sand.
But we have forgotten the magic
and we feel without compass, alone and desperately,
only selfishness, only pain, fear and darkness.
But, magic of love has nev...
Sunday 25th August 2019 4:33 pm
Imprisoned or Prism
This poem is a response to Cynthia B.T's. polite polemic, Mind in a Cage.
I am grateful to her for having incited me to use my mind.
Imprisoned or Prism
Our mind is the eye
By which we see, or not, all worlds;
The humdrum, the yet to come,
The mathematical, the fantastical.
By which we perceive, or n...
Tuesday 25th June 2019 4:21 pm
Your Light, Our Youth
The strength of your light
catches me unguarded
how brightly you shine
blooming brilliantly
how welcome
how confusing to me
The confidence of your glow
magnetic from all angles
I'm softened in the shadows
but your light does not permit them
so welcome
so challenging to me
Brighter than in our youth
brighter still than photographs
we talk and take a new one
twenty years since the...
Saturday 8th June 2019 11:57 am
Good for You
Good for you,
found your flow.
Good for you,
got that healthy glow.
Good for you,
navigating storms like a willow.
Good for you,
used your pain as fuel to grow.
Good for you,
no more living on tiptoe.
Good for you,
no longer afraid of the scarecrow.
Good for you,
escaped the tornado.
Good for you,
found your rainbow.
Good for you,
taking time to...
Sunday 26th May 2019 9:10 pm
Wild Life
Life is too full of people
willing to share their soul
to focus on those who
aren’t open to your light.
You were meant to soar with eagles,
not wallow with nocturnal wildlife.
While they may be beautiful,
mysterious, alluring,
they thrive in darkness,
a place you escaped long ago.
Friday 12th April 2019 4:35 pm
Evening Light
An almost mystic silence
descends on the lambent, lamb bent,
lamb bobbing fields
as the West sinking sun
leaves an early evening light,
the day has almost passed:
the bright pale green of the new larch buds
the rusty pink brown of the budding almond
the gold of a burgeoning dog wood
are set against
the solid darkness of a solitary fir tree
the soft clouds in a...
Friday 12th April 2019 1:40 pm
First, it is only that the tree
is more a presence
less a shadow
beyond my window
then other horizons
light their resting clouds
with a subtle pre-dawn glow
that slowly sets the first gold sun glint
on each high branch above
against a new pale blue sky -
will dawn chasten my succubus
end our companioned time?
that half-felt fragile warmth beside me
seems to s...
Tuesday 5th March 2019 9:34 am
Super Snow Moon
Super Snow Moon tell us
the secrets you keep
when you orbit earth
as we sleep.
Tell us it is
an optical illusion
adding to our mass confusion.
Tell us of war and peace,
famine and feast.
Tell us please...
How are we so different
when it's the same moon we see?
Oh Supermoon, how we hunger for
your guiding light from above
to fill us with w...
Wednesday 20th February 2019 4:39 am
Where does the light go?
"Where does the light go?"
When we face our darkest moments,
When we feel the very foundation of our being cracking and fissuring and looking well beyond repair, we tend to ask ourselves:
Where does the light go?
When will it shine again?
When we feel that all hope is lost,
THE LIGHT begins to SHINE underneath the cracks and fissures of our being.
Where we once saw irreparable...
Tuesday 19th February 2019 4:42 am
If you become
what you think about
most of the time...
I am becoming
poetry, a lyrical
fantasy floating
in rhyme.
I am becoming
love and light,
Doing my best
to do what's right.
I am becoming
and peace.
Healing souls
like Wayne
and Louise.
I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.
Leaving a loving
I am becoming
...Saturday 16th February 2019 1:56 am
I could fill a barren sea
full of tears I've shed
for a moment with you.
I learned to focus only
on the good it led to.
What purpose does it serve
to open old wounds
except to serve the
greater good.
So, I bellow not
unless it can be
a beacon
for mermaids
coming ashore.
Sunday 27th January 2019 6:09 pm
The Void
Hey there lonely girl,
what are you doing wandering around
these dark places?
Don’t you know that
evil lurks about?
The void is littered
with those who will use you,
abuse you,
scar your soul for eternity.
Listen to my pleas,
I’m begging on bended knees,
move forward
towards the light,
no matter how tempting
the mysterious
shadows may be.
Sunday 27th January 2019 5:51 am
The truth about...
I heard once that monsters used to live among us.
Can you imagine that?
Eating, sleeping and living just like we do.
But that all changed one day,
I don't know why, but it did.
Now, during the day they can't see us,
and we are tormented by the sight of them,
day and night.
strange, right?
Don't get me wrong, they are interesting creatures,
I just want to know why we m...
Saturday 26th January 2019 6:38 pm
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