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Cultivating Life

A traffic jam that spans an entire epoch

Is followed by daily punishments of

Dreary Sisyphean meanderings,

Followed by even more traffic

In sweltering heat and sticky humidity.


With all energy drained from

Lungs, limbs, and mind,

He shuffles into his house

Seeking only relief and brief reprieve.


As he unbuttons his soaked shirt,

“Do me,” assaults his ears


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Wowsers in my trousers

For serious

ever seen such bouncing globes of translucent cream

that make the mind spit and spin Catherine wheel style!




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I feel awkward without coffee

 I feel awkward without coffee

like chasing pert sylvans round Helicon's hills

constant under Urania's dissapproving eye.


Makes one want to get deep into the wood with goat footed pan

erection flailing wild for Bacchus rites.


Or better yet to smash skulls for the ruby juice 

thick Teutonic forest leaning close.











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Fuck me eyes.

A look clear into a pretty girls eyes

clear hard water forced down your optic nerve

the abyss of beauty deep and cold looks back.

Like that mirror stare when an odd flicker calls you back for more.

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My Body Gets In The Way

With years piling up around us
the shape we make, gets whittled more precisely
tongue and groove lock ever tighter
I want to spell it out
the way we did when we were younger
I want to paint my love across his skin
but I'm stopped
before I try
my body gets in the way...

The house swaddles us so comfy
built a nest from our shared blueprints
complimentary thought in tessellation
I want ...

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body dysmorphiabody imagelovesex

Save me from myself.

Staring up at his ceiling fan, thinking about this disgrace
Looking in his closet door mirror, with this horrid weed that was laced. 
Sending me into a trance of pure disgust
I have to stop this now, it’s most certainly a must. 
I walked out the door 
With no kiss goodbye 
He turned around so fast 
Like the quickest speed of light. 

My heart pounding as we speak 
I’ve gotten to a Cert...

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Sexself worthbadone night standcrapeating disorderlightkiss goodbyebyelove poetry

The Far Off Stare

Watching every twitch, each squirm

Observing my skin as goosebumps form

Longing for your touch

Songs of passion in my throat

Claim me again, hum into my ear

Good girl

Revel in the bridge raised within my breast with each gasp of air

Breathe life into me with every mention of my name

Gazing upon my weakened state



Claim me again, pack my head with fuz...

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sexyorgasmsexlovewebcamlong distancemasturbationfetishbeing watched

Lady Pee



Lady Pee

Born just like any other girl, life hardly started

when something happened.

It was the drug’s fault, some type of reaction stopped her

just after she started.

Try to imagine how she went through life

not being able to do what we all can do.

To talk to her computer.

By pure willpower and by logic she managed.

Gigs came along and brought new meaning,


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The good housewife

Rough thrust 

Deep skull 

Arms back 

Tongue out 

I can’t breath 

I’m on my knees 

I wish you could do it harder 

My imagination spinning 

This is what I want from you

I smile sweet 

Sit on your couch 

Kiss your feet 

Wishing your hands 

were around my neck 

Choking me out 

While you get in deep 

In my head your making me scream 

I’m sobbing and ga...

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Let’s sail away 

Till the night becomes day

The waves rocking us 

Lost in a sea of lust 

The sheets pulling tight

Against the flurry 

Give me all of your might 

I like it dirty 

Navigate through this storm

Your cock is an anchor 

find it somewhere warm 

If your looking for treasure 

in my wet mouth 

your anchor feels pleasure 

Ocean waves spilling all over...

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A tulip blooms

In the effervescent sunshine of my heart,

A ray of light I alone

Could not have created,

For not until the birds no longer sing,

Or until the trees no longer grow,

Will my infatuation know its limits. 

Your hair a melancholic autumn,

Shades of brown and hues of amber,

Your heart

A forgotten winter,

Made not by you,

But by those that came before I,


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Put down your bow and arrow 

Retract your claws 

The prey don’t matter anymore

They give you no pause  

Let them run around  

I hear the pitter patter clacking sounds 

But I have this fresh kill laying on the ground 

It’s the tastiest piece of meat I’ve ever found 

I’ll take it raw 

I’ll take it now 

Make me roar

Make me growl 

I’m seduced by the sight 

This ...

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Page turner


Like reading a good book

I can’t stop turning your pages

What will this next chapter hold

Action, romance, comedy

I want to remove the layers between us

Page by page 

The anticipation is killing me

I place my hands on each of your knees 

I can’t wait to read you 

Uncover the truth 

Your body speaks so eloquently

I savor this beautiful book of art

This engro...

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My body just inches above yours

gaze into your eyes, your soul

I have questions and concerns 

kiss the top of your collar bone 

place you between my legs 

relax slowly 

experience every part of you filling me

feel expanded and complete 

utterly overjoyed 


savor this 

love how you feel inside me 

Heart touching heart 

Kiss your chest 

Touch your hair


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love makingloverssex



Sweetheart I'm sitting at sip savoring scones 

Silly seductions swirling in my subconscious 

Certainly satisfied by sex with my suitor

Seeing his salty sweet soul spiraling 

I secure it steadfastly  

sinking my softest kisses into his skin

The sexual stress strengthens 

Surrender soldier

I'll satisfy you sufficiently 

Siphon and suck until your spent 

I'll s...

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Ionic bond

My ionic bond 

You’re metal and I’m not

Hold us together

Let’s form a lattice 

Feel the electrostatic attraction 

Let’s exchange ions

and unite in strength 

They freely flow back and forth 

Break and form 

This compound is complex 

Discover a new element 

Let’s name it after us

What a unique a beautiful creation

Is it gentrified prostitution 

Or an over th...

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Sexloverslove and romance

Dont Stop

To long we focused on getting here now you want to take your time

No lets take it off now put your problems on the floor let our bodies go to war some how when you lay next to 

 My body reaches its exctasy I feel pleasure in the way w eundress and stare into each others vanity.. you see my vulnerablities and make my mind go weak

But thats not enough lay down let my warmth envelope yours a...

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So far gone

I’m worried you’re not okay. 

That the taste of my lips can’t revive you. 

I throw my love at you. 

But you refuse to accept it. 

You live with your tounge not your heart. 

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