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Not By Tony Benn

The Tories treat

our nurses with contempt

our doctors with disdain

our firefighters with derision

our ambulance workers with disrespect

our railway staff with scorn

our carers with despisal

our armed forces with antipathy

our sick with neglect

our elderly with indignity

our teachers with ridicule

our children with condescension

our pensioners with contempt


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Toriesrefugeesnursesdoctorsfirefightersambulance workersrail staffcarersarmed forcessickelderlyteacherschildrenpensionershate

By the light of the local Spar

Eyes snapped shut in the street-facing bedroom

lit up by the light of the Spar

that floods it's white plastic windows

illuminating each passing car



In her curled up hands a faded old photo


but the hands,once so gentle,that hold this mementoe,

are as cold,are as granite, as stone


In came Sister with a meagre tea tray

barging in,past...

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care homedeathpensionersold ageillness

The Pensioners Are Here!




You can see them,

As dawn breaks,

Shuffling down the street,

One goal,one purpose,

To sniff out fresh meat,


Eyes burning with bitterness

Evil desires that can't be sated,

A picture of pure wickedness,

 hearts consumed by hatred


I could bludgeon them to death,

I could wring their scrawny necks,

I cou...

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